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1981 - 09-08-81 Regular Meeting
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1981 - 09-08-81 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
6/24/2009 9:58:51 AM
Creation date
6/24/2009 9:58:05 AM
Document Type
Board of Commissioners
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Hoch 10 mu 250 <br />The Board next considered the request for refunds presented by <br />Edith H. Maness and Mary Louise McAdams. In the case of Ms. Maness, the <br />automobile had been listed incorrectly as to model and in the case of Mrs. McAdams, <br />the rental property had been listed as having personal property in it, when in fact, <br />it did not have such property. Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen moved that the proper <br />officers of the County be authorized to grant a refund in the amount of $21. 94 to <br />Edith H. Maness and a refund in the amount of $8. 86 to Mrs. Mary Louise McAdams <br />et al, in accordance with their written request. Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke <br />seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The monthly relief report for the month of August 1981 to correct <br />clerical errors was presented to the Board. Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke <br />moved that releases be granted in accordance with the August 1981 report prepared <br />by the Tax Supervisor's office, a copy of which is hereto attached and by this refer- <br />ence made a part hereof. Commissioner John E. Dotterer seconded the motion <br />and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The request of Stanadyne for relief for assessment of a late listing <br />penalty was presented to the Board. After discussion, the Board resolved to deny <br />the request, upon motion of Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke, seconded by <br />Commissioner John E. Dotterer, which motion was unanimously adopted, upon a vote. <br />Simpson & Simpson, Inc. , Building Contractors, were granted an <br />extension for one year on their bond for improvements to Section 1 of Border- <br />Lee Farms Subdivision, upon motion of Commissioner John E. Dotterer, seconded <br />by Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker, which motion was unanimously adopted upon a <br />vote. <br />The County Manager presented for the Board's consideration, a map <br />and written description of the area to be served by the Lemon Springs Volunteer Fire <br />Department. The map and description presented to the August 17, 1981, meeting <br />included an area north of Secondary Road No. 1181 and West of U. S. Highway No. 1, <br />which is presently being served by the Tramway Fire Department and the new map and <br />description exclude that area. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that the <br />County designate the area shown on the map and described on the exhibit entitled <br />"Lemon Springs Volunteer Fire Department, 4 MI Response", as the Lemon Springs <br />Fire District, for insurance grading purposes, pursuant to the authority given under <br />N. C. G. S. 153-A-233, and that the prior action of the Board taken with respect to <br />said district at its meeting on August 17, 1981, be amended accordingly. Comm- <br />issioner John E. Dotterer seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously <br />adopted. <br />
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