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P"ou <br />EOv 10 <br />D. "Storage" is defined as containment for a period of over 90 <br />days in such a manner as not to constitute disposal. <br />Section 4. Moratorium: <br />No facility dealing with the storage, treatment or disposal of <br />hazardous or low-level radioactive waste shall locate or operate within Lee County <br />for a time period of 180 days from the adoption of this ordinance. No actions taken <br />during this moratorium by a person or facility dealing with the storage, treatment <br />or disposal of hazardous or low-level radioactive waste shall be considered the <br />establishment of vested rights of said facility <br />Section 5. Exceptions: <br />This ordinance shall not apply to the facilities which exist in Lee <br />County at the time of the passage of this ordinance, which deal with the storage, <br />treatment or disposal of hazardous or low-level radioactive waste. However, <br />said companies shall not increase their facilities for the storage, treatment or <br />disposal of such waste during the moratorium described herein. <br />Section 6: Penalties: <br />Any person convicted of violating any provision of this ordinance <br />shall be punished by fine or imprisonment as provided by North Carolina General <br />Statute 14-4. Every calendar day during which the violation shall continue shall <br />constitute a separate offense. <br />Section 7: Severability: <br />If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion <br />of this ordinance is found for any reason invalid, or unconstitutional by any court <br />