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2008 - 04-07-08 Regular Meeting
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2008 - 04-07-08 Regular Meeting
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1/15/2009 10:01:42 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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0 0 <br />BOOK 22 PAGE <br />Mr. Scott Horton from the North Carolina County Commissioners Association presented <br />Chairman Brown (on behalf of Lee County), with a plaque as one of the winners of the 2007 <br />Outstanding County Program Awards that is awarded annually by the County Commissioners <br />Association as a way to recognize innovative programs. The award was presented in recognition <br />for the Sanford-Lee County Youth Council program that was submitted by Ms. Lesa Price. The <br />intent of the Outstanding County Program awards is to recognize and share information with other <br />counties about programs that involve a uniquely innovative process, solution or idea to address a <br />county issue and/or to prevent a future problem from developing. <br />County Attorney K. R. Hoyle discussed various General Statutes that relate to what <br />Boards of Commissioners can do to obtain money to provide buildings for schools. County <br />Manager John Crumpton discussed the Phase I school project for Lee County High School and <br />ongoing costs that should be considered for additional programs the Lee County Board of <br />Education wishes to implement. Mr. Crumpton stated he would be meeting the following day with <br />representatives from the Local Government Commission to discuss school matters and Lee <br />County's borrowing and debt capacity. No action was taken. <br />Ms. Pat LeRoy, Director of Emergency Services for the American Red Cross - Triangle <br />Chapter, completed the required paperwork to appear before the Board and discuss the role of <br />Red Cross as it relates to the community. Ms. LeRoy also discussed current activities, disaster <br />response, training and classes offered, the need for volunteers, and service delivery should a <br />disaster occur. No action was taken. <br />Concerned citizens from the Hawkins Avenue, Greensboro Avenue, McGill Street, and Hill <br />Avenue area completed the required paperwork to appear before the Board and discuss the <br />proposed Level IV juvenile treatment facility proposed for the 700 block of Hawkins Avenue. Ms. <br />Ruth Gurtis of 114 Hawkins Avenue, Ms. Shannon Gurwitz of 700 Hawkins Avenue, and Mr. <br />David Glass of 716 Hawkins Avenue appeared before the Board and asked for support in <br />opposition to the planned treatment facility. Ms. Gurtis presented a petition with 300+ names that <br />were against the location of the proposed treatment facility. After some discussion, <br />Commissioner Lemmond moved to approve a resolution in support of area residents against the <br />location of a Level IV treatment facility on the 700 block of Hawkins Avenue, a copy of which is <br />attached to these minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. Upon a vote, the results <br />were as follows: <br />Aye: Brown, Kelly, Lemmond, Paschal, Quiggle, Reives, and Shook <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Chairman Brown called for a five minute recess at 1105. <br />Upon returning from recess at 11:13, Chairman Brown called the meeting back to order, <br />with all Commissioners present. <br />The Board considered a request from the Lee County Board of Elections for additional <br />funding for their current budget. Board of Elections Director Nancy Kimble addressed the Board <br />and stated that due to three additional one-stop sites being opened for the May 2008 Primary, the <br />department was short $18,555 required to pay for equipment, voting booths, storage and <br />transport bags, telephones, advertising, printing, mailings, signage, and security. Ms. Kimble <br />stated her department would be receiving $28,436 from the State for repayment from the recent <br />3 <br />
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