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0 BOOK 22 PAGE 16 <br />RECIPIENT'S PLAN TO FURTHER FAIR HOUSING <br />Lee County <br />Grantee <br />106 Hillcrest Drive PO Box 1968, Sanford, NC 27331-1968 <br />Grantee's Address <br />Robert L. Bridwell, (919) 775-8240 <br />Director Sanford/Lee County Planning and Development TDD: (800) 735-2962 <br />Contact Person Telephone Number <br />1. Indicate if the grantee will be affirmatively furthering fair housing for the first time <br />or has implemented specific activities in the past. <br />First Time Past Activities x <br />II. Identify and analyze obstacles to affirmatively furthering fair housing in grantee's <br />community. (Use additional pages as necessary.) <br />Discussions with local public officials indicate that housing related industries (contractors, <br />lenders, realtors, appraisers) are aware of the need for fair housing, however, they lack <br />information regarding Federal and State fair housing legislation- Public-assisted housing <br />providers appear to be more knowledgeable of legislation All activities undertaken will <br />have provisions of reaching the visually impaired and ensure equal opportunity for <br />housing in the community for all persons regardless of income status. <br />III. Briefly describe the activities that the grantee will undertake over the active period <br />of the grant to affirmatively further fair housing in their community. A time <br />schedule for implementation of these activities must be included. Activities must <br />be scheduled for implementation at least on a quarterly basis. (Use additional <br />pages as necessary.) <br />The County has developed a fair housing program that includes activities that have <br />provisions for reaching the visually impaired and ensuring equal opportunity for housing in <br />the community for all persons regardless of income status Activities scheduled for the <br />Lee County FY 05 Community Development Program include: <br />Develop a fair housing brochure that summarizes the fair housing requirements <br />under Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended. (First Quarter 2005) <br />Designated as Fair Housing Month, an annual advertisement is placed in The <br />Sanford Herald in the month of April each year (Second Quarter 2005) <br />Page 1 of 3 Pages <br />