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BOOK 22 PasE 60 <br />LEE COUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />MINUTES OF THE BUDGET WORK SESSION <br />OF THE <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />FOR THE <br />COUNTY OF LEE, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />MAY 18.2009 <br />The budget work session of the Board of Commissioners for the County of Lee, State of <br />North Carolina, convened at 3:30 p.m. in the Gordon Wicker Conference Room, Lee County <br />Government Center, 106 Hillcrest Drive, Sanford, North Carolina, on said date. Commissioners <br />present were Amy M. Dalrymple, Richard B. Hayes, Larry "Doc" Oldham, Nathan E. Paschal, and <br />Linda A. Shook. Commissioners James C. Kelly and Robert T. Reives were absent at the <br />beginning of the meeting but arrived during discussion. <br />Chairman Hayes called the meeting to order. <br />County Manager John Crumpton discussed the Lee County Schools expense budget and <br />the fact that the State may not approve ADM funding in the amount of $519,971.00. The County <br />will have to decide where funds will be taken from if funding is not provided by the State - Fund <br />Balance or Lottery proceeds. Commissioner Reives joined the meeting during the discussion and <br />Commissioner Kelly arrived as the discussion ended. <br />Mr. Crumpton discussed the Library Maintenance of Effort received from the State that is <br />based on the last three budgets. The Board will have to decide if they want to adjust the budget to <br />make up for the $67,570 difference this year or leave as is; resulting in a potential revenue loss of <br />$12,317 with reduced hours recommended at the main Library for Thursday evenings and <br />Saturday's. <br />Mr. Crumpton stated the Soil & Water Conservation Board is upset because it has been <br />recommended that a clerical position in that department not be replaced due to the early retirement <br />of that individual. If the Board wishes to replace that position, approximately $36,000 will have to be <br />readjusted in the proposed budget from other sources. <br />Funding for outside agencies such as 911 Communications, State Fire Control (Forestry <br />Service), HAVEN, Lee County Schools, Central Carolina Community College, Arts Council, <br />Inspections with the City of Sanford, Emergency Medical Services, Fire Marshal, Planning, Mental <br />Health, Lee County Industries, Johnston-Lee-Harnett Community Action, and the Temple Theater <br />were discussed. Mr. Crumpton state that 4% was cut from each of the above budgets. <br />