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Motion: Motion to move forward with the current design of the library as <br /> proposed and authorize the financing of an additional $6,000,000 for the <br /> project. <br /> Mover: Robert Reives <br /> For: 7 - Dr. Andre Knecht, Robert Reives, Cameron Sharpe, Kirk Smith, Bill Carver, <br /> Mark Lovick, Taylor Vorbeck <br /> Motion Result: Passed <br /> IV.B Planning Board recommendation for a rezoning request on Swanns Station Road. <br /> Chairman Smith verified that no board members had a conflict of interest pertaining <br /> to the proposed rezoning request. Planning Administrator Amy McNeil provided a <br /> summary of the rezoning request. The application was submitted by Michael Blakley <br /> of Drafting and Design Services, Inc. to rezone three adjoinging tracts of land <br /> compromising +/- 57.17 acres located at 4191 Swann Station Road from <br /> Residential Agriculture (RA) to the Swanny Lake RV Resort Conditional Zoning <br /> District. The Planning Board met on February 20th after the public hearing was held <br /> and tabled the item after the Board's discussion produced action items to be <br /> addressed by staff to provide adequate information for the Boards decision. The <br /> Board took the item from the table on March 20th, and with additional information <br /> provided, voted 4-3 to recommend that the Board of Commissioners conditionally <br /> approve the proposed zoning map amendment with the following conditions: 1) A <br /> maximum of 26 RV sites may serve as non-seasonal vacation dwellings for visitors <br /> at any time, with the remainder of the marked RV sites (54 minimum) serving as <br /> short-term, seasonal rentals of a maximum period of 180 days per twelve (12) <br /> month period; 2) All RVs shall have OEM (original equipment manufacturer) fuel and <br /> propane tanks and no external tanks shall be permitted. These conditions were <br /> recommended due to concerns expressed by neighboring residents regarding traffic <br /> counts, road access, water quality, swimming in the pond on site, and the density of <br /> the site, and length of stay for visitors at the RV site. Chairman Smith announced <br /> that he received two petitions opposing the rezoning, one with 70 signatures and the <br /> other with 40 signatures. <br /> 01-REZ-CZ@SWANNY LAKE RV RESORT.pdf <br /> Motion: Motion that the proposed zoning map amendment is not consistent <br /> with the Plan Santee long range plan designation of Countryside because it <br /> could potentially host a higher density of dwelling units than the Countryside <br /> land use desires. The amendment also poses concerns related to <br /> environmental issues and does not conform to the definition of agritourism <br /> since the general public would not be able to access the site. <br /> Mover: Taylor Vorbeck <br /> For: 7 - Dr. Andre Knecht, Robert Reives, Cameron Sharpe, Kirk Smith, Bill Carver, <br /> Mark Lovick, Taylor Vorbeck <br /> Motion Result: Passed <br /> 4 <br />