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Commissioner Cameron Sharpe left at 12:05 p.m. <br /> Mr. Kovasckitz said that a year and a half ago, we began tracking what was coming <br /> through the TRC meetings and demonstrated the growth on a map in the presentation. <br /> While the number of proposed residences and developments has increased, many <br /> have not come to fruition. There is a development trend near water and sewer. <br /> Lee County Board of Commissioners Budget Retreat 2023.pdf <br /> Update on Land Use and Growth Management - lee county retreat Jan 27.pptx <br /> Broadway Request for Assistance with Infrastructure <br /> County Manager Dr. John Crumpton noted that Chairman Kirk Smith has been attending <br /> the Town of Broadway's meetings and heard their issues about water and sewer and <br /> Watson Lake Dam. Broadway is asking the Board for$40,000 for the dam study and a <br /> $140,000 match for water and sewer if they receive grant funding. The Town received <br /> $400,000 in ARP funds but is asking the County for assistance with both items and we <br /> would use our ARP funds for it. Dr. Crumpton said that because of a preliminary report, <br /> there are issues getting an increase discharge permit to the current discharge area. He <br /> said it would be tying into the City of Sanford's wastewater system. They are open to <br /> extending Town limits and we could be part of that study. Broadway is trying to get the <br /> grant money to fix the dam, but they are in the planning phase before they can apply. <br /> NCDEQ has to sign off on it. Dr. Crumpton believes it'll probably cost$1.4 million and <br /> said that we're providing $140,000 of the $400,000 for the planning. <br /> Broadway_Lee County_ Letter_1202023.pdf <br /> Vice-Chairman Andre Knecht called a break for lunch at 12.23 p.m. <br /> LUNCH BREAK - 12:00PM <br /> CAPITAL BUDGET- 12:30PM <br /> Presentation of Proposed Public Safety Radio System (VIPER) <br /> Vice-Chairman Andre Knecht resumed the meeting at 12:36 p.m. <br /> Lee County Emergency Management Director Matt Britt presented a request to upgrade <br /> the radio system to VIPER radio. The County currently has two analog systems, and fire <br /> and the County operate on each. Mr. Britt said we don't have common communication <br /> with this system but do currently have some VIPER radios in existence in each <br /> department. He would like this for better communication. The County's current system <br /> has been in place since the early 2000s and has been running on backup systems. <br /> VIPER is the recommendation because it's managed by the state. VIPER would then be <br /> responsible for the radios and towers, and the County is responsible with the current <br /> system. The Motorola representative noted that if the fiber gets cut, there will be backup <br /> radios in place. Mr. Britt said that if our system goes down, we could go to another county <br /> and operate through their system. However, if the City of Sanford doesn't switch over to <br /> the VIPER system, the County would have to create its own 911 dispatch. We currently <br /> house the backup 911 dispatch for the City. Calls that come to the County within the City <br /> limits would be transferred back over to the City, as there wouldn't be any way to <br /> communicate between the two (being on different systems). County Manager Dr. John <br />