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<br />< INSTRUCTIONS— Listings due by January 31.
<br />Commonfy Asked Questions
<br />other costs incurred. The $10,600 should be added in group (1) to the 2011 current
<br />year's cost column,
<br />Group (2) Construction In Progress (CIP)
<br />Who must file a listing, and what do I list?
<br />Any individual(s) or business(es) owning or possessing personal property used or
<br />connected with a business or other income producing purpose on January 1. Temporary
<br />absence of personal property from the place at which it is normally taxable shall not affect
<br />this rule. For example.,a lawn tractor used for personal use, to mow the lawn at your hone
<br />is not listed. However, !r town tractor used as part of a landscaping business in this county must
<br />be listed if the lawn tractor is normally in this county, even if it happens to be in
<br />another state or county on January 1.
<br />NCGS §105 -308 reads ..'any person whose duty it is to list any property who willfully
<br />fails or refuses to list the same within the time prescribed by law shall be guilty of a Class 2
<br />misdemeanor. The failure to list shall be prima facie evidence that the failure was willful."
<br />A Class 2 Misdemeanor is punishable by imprisonment of up to 60 days.
<br />When and where to list?
<br />Listings are due on or before January 31 . They must be filed with the County Tax Department.
<br />torte will not be accepted by the NC Department of Revenue.
<br />A list of county tax office addresses can be found at the NC Department of Revenue's
<br />Websile. http: /twww.dor. state. nc .us /publicafions4wopedy.htmi,
<br />As required by state law, late listings will receive a penalty. An extension of time to list
<br />may be obtained by sending a written request showing "good cause" to the County
<br />Assessor by January 31.
<br />How do I list? —Three important rules:
<br />(1) Read these INSTRUCTIONS for each schedule or group.
<br />(2) H a Schedule or Group does not apply to you, indicate so on the listing form, DO NOT
<br />be rejected for these reasons and could resuft in late listing penalties.
<br />(3) Listings must be filed based on the lax district where the property is physically located. If you
<br />have received multiple listing forms, each form must be completed separately.
<br />Complete all sections at the top of the form, whether or not they are specifically addressed
<br />in these INSTRUCTIONS. Attach additional sheets if necessary.
<br />(1) Other N.C. Counties where personal property is located: h your business has property
<br />normally located in other counties, list those counties here.
<br />(2) Contact person for audit: In case the county lax department needs additional information, or
<br />to verify the information listed, list the person to be contacted here.
<br />(3) Physical address: Please note here the location of the property. The actual physical
<br />location may be different from the mailing address. Post Office Boxes are not acceptable.
<br />(4) Social Security Number. The disclosure of this number is voluntary. This number is needed to
<br />establish the identification of individuals. The authority to require this number for the
<br />administration of a tax is given by United Slates Code Title 42, Section 405(c)(2)(C)(i) abd
<br />N.C.G.S. 105.309.
<br />(5) Principal Business in this County: What does the listed business do? For example:
<br />Tobacco Farmer. Manufacture electrical appliances. Laundromat, Restaurant.
<br />(6) Complete other requested business information. Make any address changes.
<br />(7) If out of business: If the business we have sent this form to has closed, complete this
<br />section and attach any additional information regarding the sale of the property.
<br />Schedule A
<br />The year acquired column: The rows which begin '2011 are the rows in which you report
<br />property acquired during the calendar year 2011. Other years follow the same format.
<br />Schedule A is divided into eight (8) groups. Each is addressed below. Some counties may
<br />have the column "Prior Years Cost" pre - printed. This column should contain the cost
<br />information from Iasi year's listing. If 4 does riot, please complete this column, refenfng
<br />back to your last year's fisting. List under "Current Years Cost' the 100% cost of all
<br />depreciable personal property in your possession on January 1. Include all fully
<br />depredated assets as wed. Round amounts to the nearest dollar. Use the 'Additions" and
<br />"Deletions' column to explain changes from "Prior Yr. Cost" to "Current Yr. Cost ". The
<br />'Prior Year's Cost" plus 'Addifions' minus "Deletions" should equal 'Current Years Cost ". if
<br />there are any additions and/or deletions, please note those under schedule G, Acquisitions
<br />and Disposals Detail. N the deletion is a transferred or paid out lease. please note this, and
<br />to whom the property was transferred.
<br />COST - Note that the cost information you provide must include fill costs associated with
<br />the acquisition as well as the costs associated with bringing that property into operation
<br />These costs may include, but are not limited to invoice cost, trade -in allowances, freight,
<br />installation costs, sales tax, expensed costs, and construction period inleresL
<br />The cost figures reported should be historical cost, that is the original cost of an item when
<br />fast purchased, even If it was first purchased by someone other than the current owner.
<br />For example, you, the current owner, may have purchased equipment in 2000 for $100,
<br />but the individual you purchased the equipment from acquired the equipment in 1995 for
<br />$1000. You, the current owner, should report the property as acquired in 1995 for $1000.
<br />Property Should be reported at its actual cost at the retail level of trade. For example, a
<br />manufacturer of computers can make a certain model for $1000 total cost It is typically
<br />available to any retail customer for $2000. If the manufacturer uses the model for
<br />business purposes, he should report the computer at it's market cost at the retail level of trade,
<br />which is $2000, not the $1000 it actually cost the manufacturer. Manufacturer /lessor
<br />businesses which lease the equipment that they manufacture must list their equipment at
<br />the retail level of trade rather than their manufacturing cost.
<br />This is the group used for reporting the cost of all machinery and equipment. This includes
<br />all warehouse and packaging equipment, as well as manufacturing equipment, production
<br />lines, hi -tech or low -tech. List the total cost by year of acquisition, including fully
<br />depredated assets that are still connected with the business.
<br />For example, a manufacturer of textiles purchased a knitting machine in October 2011 for
<br />$10,000. The sales tax was $200, shipping charges were $200, and installation costs
<br />were $200 The total cost that the manufacturer should report is $10,600 H there were no
<br />CIP is business personal property which is under construction on January 1 The
<br />accountant will typically not capitalize the assets under construction until all of the costs
<br />associated with the asset are known. In the interim period, the accountant will typically
<br />maintain the costs of the asset in a CIP account. The total of this account represents
<br />investment in tangible personal property, and is to be listed with the other capital assets
<br />of the business during the listing period. List in detail. If you have no CIP, write 'none'.
<br />Group (3) Office Furniture & Fixtures
<br />This group is for reporting the costs of all furniture & fixtures and small office machines
<br />used in the business operation. This includes, but is not limited to, file cabinets, desks,
<br />chairs, adding machines, curtains, Winds, ceiling fans, window air conditioners,
<br />telephones. intercom systems, and burglar alarm systems.
<br />Group (4) Computer Equipment
<br />This group is for reporting the costs of non- production computers & peripherals. This
<br />includes, but is not limited to, personal computers, midrange, or mainframes, as well as the
<br />monitors, printers, scanners, magnetic storage devices, cables, & other peripherals
<br />associated with those computers. This category also includes software mat is capitalized
<br />and purchased from an unrelated business entity. This does not include high tech
<br />equipment such as proprietary computerized point of sale equipment or high tech medical
<br />equipment, or computer cortrolled equipment, or the high -tech computer components that
<br />control the equipment. This type of equipment would be included in Group (1) or 'other'.
<br />Group (5) Leasehold Improvements
<br />This group includes real estate improvements to leased property contracted for, installed,
<br />and paid for by the lessee which may remain with the real estate, thereby becoming an
<br />integral part of the leased fee real estate upon expiration or termination of the current
<br />lease, but which are the property of the current lessee who installed it. (Examples are
<br />lavatories installed by lessee in a barbershop, special lighting. or dropped ceiling if you
<br />have no leasehold improvements write "rime". Contact the appropriate county to determine it you
<br />question it leasehold improvements have already been appraised as real property.
<br />Group (6) Expensed hems
<br />This group is for reporting any assets which would typically be capitalized, but due to the
<br />business' capitalization threshold, they have been expensed. Section 179 expensed items
<br />should be included in the appropriate group (1) through (4). Fill in the blank which asks for
<br />your business' - Capitalization Threshold." If you have no expensed items write 'none'.
<br />Group (7) Supplies
<br />Almost all businesses have supplies. These include normal business operating supplies.
<br />List the cost on hand as of January 1. Remember, the temporary absence of property on
<br />January 1 does not mean it should not be listed if that property 'is normal ry present.
<br />Supplies that are immediately consumed in the manufacturing process or that become a
<br />part of the property being sold, such as packaging materials, or raw materials, for a
<br />manufacturer, do not have to be listed. Even though inventory is exempt, supplies are not.
<br />Even if a business tames supplies in an inventory account, they remain taxable.
<br />Group (8) Other
<br />This group will not be used unless instructed by authorized county tax personnel
<br />Motor vehicles registered with the NC Department of Motor Vehicles as of January 1
<br />do not have to be listed. Please answer the questions on the form to determine if
<br />you should complete and attach separate schedules B -1 for certain other motor
<br />vehicles, B -2 for Watercraft or Watercraft engines, B-3 for Mobile Horns or Mobile
<br />Offices, or B-4 for Aircraft.
<br />If on January 1, you have in your possession any business machines, machinery, furniture,
<br />vending equipment, game machines, postage meters, or any other eguioment which is
<br />loaned, leased, or otherwise held and not owned by you, a complete description and
<br />ownership of the property should be reported in this section. This information is for office
<br />use only. Assessments will be made to the owner/lessor. If you have already filed the
<br />January 15th report required by §105 -315, so indicate. If you have crone, write "none' in
<br />this section. If property is held by a lessee under a 'capital lease" where there is a conditional
<br />sales contract, or if title to the property will transfer at the end of the lease due
<br />to a nominal 'purchase upon termination" fee, then the lessee Is responsible for tisling
<br />under the appropriate group.
<br />SCHEDULE D, E, F. G AND H. please answer the questions provided on the form to determine
<br />if you need to complete and attach separate schedules E -1, G -1 or H -1 to the main business
<br />personal property listing form.
<br />If the form is not signed by an authorized person, it will be rejected and could be subject to
<br />penalties. Please read the information on this section of the form regarding who may sign
<br />the listing form.
<br />Listings submitted by mail shall be deemed to be filed as of the date shown on the
<br />postmark affixed by the U.S. Postal Service. Any other indication of the date mailed (such
<br />as your own postage meter) is not considered and the listing shall be deemed to be filed
<br />when received in the office of the lax assessor.
<br />Any person who willfully attempts, or who willfully aids or abets any person to attempt, in
<br />any manner to evade or defeat the taxes imposed under this Subchapter (of the Revenue
<br />Laws), whether by removal or concealment of properly or otherwise, shall be guilty of a
<br />Gass 2 Misdemeanor. (Punishable by Imprisonment of up to 60 days)
<br />