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LEE COU <br />6 0 0 4 07 a a 0 0; 0 d <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />LEE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ITEM ABSTRACT ITEM NO. IV. C. <br />_ Information <br />Meeting Date: November 5, 2012 XX Action Item <br />Consent Agenda <br />SUBJECT Presentation of Classification and Compensation Study <br />DEPARTMENT Human Resources <br />CONTACT PERSON Joyce McGehee <br />REQUEST Accept the Classification and Compensation Study and approve the <br />use of the new job descriptions and job titles as well as using the new methodology to develop <br />new job descriptions and classify new positions as needed. <br />SUMMARY Springsted Incorporated submitted the final Classification and <br />Compensation Study to Human Resources. The study provides an overview of current <br />compensation and a recommended action plan. Springsted submitted 4 options to consider for <br />employee pay adjustments. Due to budget restraints, at this time we are not requesting any type <br />of pay adjustment. We recommend that we continue with our current Classification plan and use <br />the new job descriptions and job titles as well as using the new methodology to develop new job <br />descriptions and classify new position. <br />BUDGET IMPACT N/A <br />ATTACHMENT(S) 1) Power -Point Presentation <br />2) Notebook in back of Agenda package <br />PUBLIC HEARING No <br />PRIOR BOARD ACTION N/A <br />RECOMMENDATION Accept the Classification and Compensation Study and approve the <br />use of the new job descriptions and job titles as well as using the new methodology to develop <br />new job descriptions and classify new positions as needed. <br />