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VI.A Request from Brick Capital Community Development to earmark $850,000 to <br /> be used for the benefit of the Washington Avenue project <br /> County Attorney Whitney Parrish said Brick Capital Community Development <br /> Corporation (BCCDC) acquired property on Washington Avenue for this project, <br /> which was presented to the Board at the special called meeting in August. BCCDC is <br /> in the process of writing a grant for funding, but is also seeking commitment from the <br /> County. The City of Sanford's commitment is providing the infrastructure to the <br /> property. The grant application is due at the end of September. Kerry Bashaw of <br /> BCCDC noted that this is a project they've been working on for a few years now. The <br /> project consists of 45 single-family homes and a 16 -unit apartment complex and will <br /> be under the land trust model, meaning, the land is in trust and the buyer owns the <br /> sticks and bricks. The home buyer gets 50% in equity and the other 50% goes to <br /> future buyers. This project will bring more workforce housing to Lee County. BCCDC <br /> is a HUD-certified agency. They help buyers navigate the home buying process and <br /> help with eviction and BCCDC is excited to leverage County funds with state funds <br /> for this project. Commissioner Lovick asked if the units built have to be sold back to <br /> low-income individuals. The units can be sold on the open market; however, BCCDC <br /> would encourage them to sell to low income buyers. Commissioner Reives would <br /> like an example of the model. Commissioner Sharpe supports affordable housing <br /> and the project. Commissioner Knecht feels we need to push opportunities to <br /> teachers, officers and first responders. Mr. Bashaw said the workforce population is <br /> the priority. Commissioner Carver is grateful for BCCDC and the project and <br /> assisting those in need of affordable housing. This earmark is $850,000 from the <br /> County's ARPA funding. Commissioner Reives asked the BCCDC board to commit <br /> in writing in regards to Commissioner Knecht's comments. <br /> Motion: Motion to approve the request from Brick Capital Community <br /> Development to earmark $850,000 to be used for the benefit of the <br /> Washington Avenue project. <br /> Mover: Arianna Lavallee <br /> For: 7 - Arianna Lavallee, Dr. Andre Knecht, Robert Reives, Cameron Sharpe, Kirk <br /> Smith, Bill Carver, Mark Lovick <br /> Motion Result: Passed <br /> VII. NEW BUSINESS <br /> VII.A Firm to Assist with Aerial Imagery Project <br /> Tax Administrator Michael Brown said this request is in reference to a Request for <br /> Qualifications that was issued July 5, 2022. Staff recommends the company, Eagle <br /> View, for the Tax department's Aerial Imagery Project. The first flight would be in <br /> December of 2022 and will include an aerial vertical view and oblique view, which is <br /> at 45 degree angles on all four sides of a property. The second project would be <br /> conducted around December of 2024 and is the change finder project. Appraisal <br /> Manager Lisa Faulker, Finance Director Candace Iceman, and Mr. Brown reviewed <br /> submissions and would like to move forward with Eagle View. This product can be <br /> used not only for the Tax Office, but it also benefits different departments and the <br /> public. The imagery project will be recorded by aircraft, not satellite, and done in a <br /> zigzag motion. <br />