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Sample Motions <br /> The Planning Board shall provide a written recommendation to the City Council that addresses plan <br /> consistency and other matters as deemed appropriate by the Planning Board. These sample motions are <br /> provided by staff based on information in the Plan SanLee land use plan. The Planning Board members <br /> are tree to create a unique motion based on different articulated findings, information that was provided <br /> during the public hearing, or other matters deemed important by the Board. <br /> VOTE #1: APPROVE A STATEMENT ON CONSISTENCY WITH THE PLAN SANLEE AS IT <br /> RELATES TO THIS REZONING REQUEST: <br /> Motion Option 1: "1 make a motion that the proposed zoning inaj) amendment IS consistent with the <br /> Plan SanLee long range plan designation of 1"illage Center because commercial uses are allowed and <br /> this is a request for a commercial zoning district. " <br /> Motion Option 2: "1 make a motion that the propo.sccl zoni/ig reap amendment IS NOT consistent with <br /> the Plan SanLee long range plan designation of' Pillage Center because the request is Highway, <br /> Commercial(110 zoning, as opposed to ,'Veighborhood Commercial(.VC) as recommended by the plan. " <br /> Motion Option 3 - Unique motion: The Planning Board members are free to create a unique motion <br /> based on different articulated findings, information that was provided during the public hearing, or other <br /> matters deemed important by the Board. <br /> VOTE #2: TO APPROVE OR DENY THE REZONING REQUEST: <br /> Motion Option 1: "1 make a motion that Planning Board recommend the Board of Connnissioners <br /> APPROVE the hroposed zoning neap antendmew because commercia uses are allowed in both of the <br /> proposed zoning districts, " <br /> Motion Option 2: "1 make a motion that the Planning Board recommend the Board of Conuni.ssioners <br /> DEA'Ythc rezoning request because the requested dei?siti'does not appear to be alyn-ol)riate,for the site <br /> or i17 harniono, ivith the area. " <br /> Motion Option 3 - Unique motion: The Planning Board members are free to create a unique motion <br /> based on different articulated findings, information that was provided during the public hearing, or other <br /> matters deemed important by the Board. <br /> Staff Report —Standard General Use Rezoning Request RR and R.4 to HC <br />