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8-8-22 BOC Regular Meeting
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8-8-22 BOC Regular Meeting
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9/29/2022 9:07:44 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br /> The rezoning request complies Nvith the Plan SurrLee long-range plan designation of Village Center with <br /> regard to allowing commercial uses (such as retail, personal services, and entertainment), but the <br /> recommended commercial zoning district is Neighborhood Commercial (NC),not Highway Commercial <br /> (HC). While there is currently HC zoning nearby, this zoning was established prior to the adoption of <br /> the current long range plan by Lee County in 2018. Therefore, staff recommends that this site be rezoned <br /> to NC in keeping with the long range plan, which is intended to serve as a guide for future growth in Lee <br /> County. The boards will also need to take into consideration the adjoining residential development and <br /> the possible impact that commercial zoning may have on the area residents when determining if they are <br /> comfortable with this area transitioning to match the long-range plan at this time. Staff has provided <br /> information below for the Neighborhood Commercial (NO zoning district <br /> Staff Recommended Zoninw: The Neighborhood Commercial (NC) zoning district is established to <br /> provide small areas for office and professional services combined with shop front retail uses, shops for <br /> artisans and craftsmen, designed in scale with surrounding residential uses. This district provides a <br /> balance of residential and non-residential land use opportunities reflecting the economic needs of <br /> residents and business owners. Location of NC districts should include lots, parcels or tracts located at <br /> the intersections of collector streets, including collector/collector and minor thoroughfare/ collector. <br /> Minimum lot width: 50ft <br /> Minimum lot depth: 100ft <br /> Minimum building setback, front: 1 Oft, measured from the right-of-way of the public street <br /> Minimum building setback, rear: determined by tine width of the required landscape buffer <br /> Minimum building setback, side(s): deterimined by tine width of the required landscape buffer <br /> Maximum building height: 50ft <br /> Maximum impervious surface: 7010 of the site may be developed rooftops, paved parking, etc. <br /> Examples of uses permitted by right within the HC zoning district include restaurants without drive-in <br /> or drive-through facilities, convenience stores without gas sales, pharnnac_y or drugstore without drive- <br /> through facilities, antique shops, florists, most types of retail sales (books, magazines, music, clothing, <br /> Jewelry, luggage shoes. etc.), grocery stores & supermarkets less than 25,OOOsf GFA, and a contractor's <br /> office without outdoor storage. There is a list of all of the permitted uses for this zoning district within <br /> the agenda packet for vour reference <br /> Additional information presented at the public hearing should also be considered in the recommendation <br /> and the final decision regarding the requested zoning map amendment. <br /> PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION <br /> Per state law, when conducting a review of a proposed zoning text or map amendment, the planning <br /> board shall advise and comment on whether tine proposed action is consistent with any comprehensive <br /> plan that has been adopted and any other officially adopted plan that is applicable. The planning board <br /> shall provide a written recommendation to the governing board that addresses plan consistency and other <br /> matters as deemed appropriate by the planning board, but a comment by the planning board that a <br /> proposed amendment is inconsistent with the comprehensive plan shall not preclude consideration or <br /> approval of the proposed amendment by the governing board. If no written report is received from the <br /> planning board within 30 days of referral of the amendment to that board, the governing board may act <br /> on the amendment without the planning board report. The governing board is not bound by the <br /> recommendations, if any. of the planning board. Also, please be aware that the Planning Board may <br /> acknowledge that the zoning map amendment is not consistent with the Plan SurrLee long range plan <br /> and still vote to approve the request; however, an explanation should be included within the motion. <br /> Staff Reprrrt—Stun(lurd General Use Rezonim Request RR aml RA it) HC <br />
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