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SITE DESCRIPTION <br /> The site is located in the Lemon Springs/Greenwood area of Lee County,on the north side of Greenwood <br /> Road, and is part of a field between a house at 1006 Greenwood Road and the Lemon Springs Fire <br /> Department at 1 138 Greenwood Road. It is opposite Greenwood Elementary School at 1127 Greenwood <br /> Road and a house at 1055 Greenwood Road. <br /> ZONING DISTRICT INFORMATION <br /> The front 260ft +/- is zoned Residential Restricted (RR) and the remainder rear of the lot is zoned <br /> Residential Agricultural (RA). <br /> Existin! Zoning: The subject property is zoned Residential Restricted (RR), which is established to <br /> provide areas for low-density single-family uses, with a maximum of one and one-half(1.5) dwelling <br /> units per acre. Property zoned RR should include only those tracts which abut or are in close proximity <br /> to existing large-lot single family development, making RR an appropriate transition district between <br /> rural, agricultural, and suburban uses. <br /> Minimum lot size: 30.000sf or 0.69 of an acre <br /> Minimum lot width: 100ft <br /> Minimum lot depth: 150ft <br /> Minimum building setback. front: 30ft, measured from the right-of-way of the public street <br /> Minimum building setback, rear: 30ft, measured from the rear property line <br /> Minimum building setback, side(s): 15ft, measures from the side property lines <br /> Maximum building height: 40ft <br /> Maximum impervious surface: N/A for residential development that is not within a watershed <br /> Examples of uses permitted by right within the RR zoning district include residential single-family <br /> detached dwellings (site built and modular houses, both of which are constructed in compliance with the <br /> North Carolina Residential Building Code), duplex dwellings, bed & breakfast inn, pottery <br /> manufacturing & sales, parks/playgrounds athletic fields operated on a noncommercial basis, <br /> church/religious complex (new site with less than 350 seats), church/religious complex (any size, if an <br /> addition to an existing complex), schools (addition to existing site), stables/riding academies, animal <br /> production & support services (unincorporated Lee County), crop production & support services <br /> (unincorporated Lee County). and forestry/logging & support services (unincorporated Lee County). <br /> There is a list of all of the permitted uses for this zoning district within the agenda packet for your <br /> reference. <br /> Existinv- Zonim-,: The Residential Agricultural (RA) district is established to provide areas for low <br /> density single family uses, low intensity agricultural operations as well as agri-business and supportive <br /> industrial and commercial uses. Industrial operations are not permitted unless they clearly support an <br /> agricultural use. RA zoning protects and preserves valuable agricultural areas, implements agricultural <br /> protection zoning, establishes performance standards for rural businesses, preserves rural areas, <br /> preserves pasture land and agriculture, sets maximum permissible densities or new zoning districts, <br /> defines specific areas for rural commercial uses, and identifies areas appropriate for agricultural <br /> preservation. <br /> Minimum lot size: 40,000sf or 0.92 of an acre <br /> Minimum lot width: 100ft <br /> Minimum lot depth: 125ft <br /> Minimum building setback, front: 30ft, measured from the r/o/w of the public street <br /> Minimum building setback, rear: 30ft, measured fi-oin the rear property line <br /> Staft RejJort - Standard Gesieral U e Rezoning Request RR and R.4 to HC <br />