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MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />FROM: John Crumpton, County Manager <br />RE: Purchase of Property — Dr. Paul Howard — CCCC — Revised from May 12, 2012 Memo <br />DATE: September 20, 2012 <br />As was previously discussed with the Board back in May, Dr. Paul Howard approached Dr. Bud Marchant <br />months ago about using property he owns as a mechanism to give the College a gift and to also set up a <br />revenue stream from those properties for the next 10 years. The properties that Dr. Howard originally <br />approached Dr. Marchant about were 1020 Carthage Street (his residence), 128 -134 Steele Street, and <br />408 Summit Drive. The appraisal for the 1020 Carthage Street property came in way above what we <br />could justify and has been removed from the proposal. A piece of property at 915 Wicker Street was <br />substituted for the Carthage Street property. This property has now been removed from consideration, <br />so the transaction now involves two (2) properties — one that Dr. Howard will gift to the County for <br />Community College use and one that the County will purchase for the College /County. <br />The two properties remaining in the transaction are 128 -134 Steele Street and 408 Summit Drive. The <br />appraised value for the Summit Drive Property is $675,000, and the County is agreeing to purchase the <br />property for this amount. The property on Steele Street appraised for $200,000; therefore, the gift to <br />the College is in the amount of $200,000. <br />During this due diligence period, the County has been inspecting both properties. Attached you will find <br />reports on the roofs of both properties and a mold report on the Steele Street building. These were the <br />only issues that were uncovered that the County felt needed to be investigated prior to the close of this <br />transaction. <br />The legal structure of the deal is now being finalized. By limiting the transaction to the two properties, <br />the deal is much easier to complete. The Steele Street property will be a simple gift from Dr. Howard to <br />the County for the use of the Community College. This is a straight forward transaction. The County will <br />be purchasing the Summit Drive property through a 59 month loan from Dr. Howard (reduced from 10 <br />years to reduce interest costs). This will be a straight forward real estate transaction with a Deed of <br />Trust. At the end of the loan period, both properties will become the Community College's, with the <br />County having the right to continue to lease the Summit Street property from the College for a mutually <br />agreed upon period. The County and College will need to sign a lease agreement on the building. <br />The Community College will use the Steele Street location as their Small Business Development Center. <br />The building will also have enough space for use as a small business incubator. The third floor can be <br />used as an artist loft or something similar. Use of the third floor will be restricted until a mechanical <br />means of getting to this floor can be developed. The building is in good shape for its age. Dr. Howard <br />has replaced most of the HVAC and electrical systems and brought them up to code. Emergency exits <br />meet today's code. The third floor has some water and ceiling damage. This damage was caused by two <br />