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Sports Complex <br /> With the development of the sports complex, the County will need to review how we maintain Parks <br /> and Recreation Facilities in the FY 2023-24 budget. At one time Parks and Recreation maintained their <br /> fields while General Services maintained the grass and landscaping around other facilities. In 1992, <br /> these services were combined into one at General Services. Due to the size of the Sports Complex and <br /> the maintenance required, Parks and Recreation should take over responsibility for not only maintaining <br /> the Complex but all parks in the system. Other County facilities can be maintained by either reducing <br /> General Service staff, or by contracting with a private company. Due to ongoing capital costs for <br /> equipment, contracting maybe a better option if General Services is no longer required to maintain the <br /> grounds for all park facilities. <br /> Based on the Brailsford and Dunleavey Report which was completed in 2015, the estimated net increase <br /> in expenditures for the Complex would be around $350,000. The plan staff is working on would have a <br /> Complex Director, a program/marketing specialist, 4 full-time maintenance staff and 2 part-time <br /> maintenance staff. This staff would not only maintain the Complex property, but all Parks and <br /> Recreation property. Added maintenance, utility and personnel expenditures would be around <br /> $650,000 per year. This amount would be partially offset by revenue generated from field use and the <br /> reduction of expenditures in General Services. Although we are hopeful to get down to the amount of <br /> net expenditures from the 2015 report we believe the amount will be closer to $450,000 per year. This <br /> amount will need to be budgeted in the FY 2023-24 budget. <br /> Buggy Factory Building <br /> The Buggy Factory will generate rent revenue for Lee County Government when purchased. The County <br /> will still bill the City of Sanford and SAGA for the space they occupy at the facility. In discussions with <br /> both entities, it will be agreed that we will hold the current rent at the $13.81 per square foot amount in <br /> place for the 2022 year. I will be asking them for a ten-year lease. For an old building, the renovation <br /> that Progressive Contractors completed has made the building very energy efficient. In addition, the <br /> facility was making a profit and if purchased the revenues from the leases to the City and SAGA will <br /> continue to provide revenues to cover expenditures and debt service. Essentially after the initial 10 <br /> years nearly 50 percent of the County's investment will be paid back. Unless major repairs are needed, <br /> additional revenue will not be needed to operate the facility after our initial investment based on the <br /> rent payments. That initial investment is estimated at $5,125,000. <br /> Organizational Growth <br /> In 2009, the County needed to reduce expenditures by$6,000,000 to balance our budget due to the <br /> great recession. With this reduction came the elimination of 36 positions in the County. The County <br /> "flattened"the organization eliminating most middle management positions and additional support <br /> personnel. In the period since this time a few middle management positions and a few support staff <br /> have been added back. However, from a supervisor/management perspective the organization remains <br /> very lean. This will need to change if we want to adequately support our operations. <br /> As the County grows, the services we are providing are growing as well. We have added many front-line <br /> employees that now need additional supervision and leadership. Administration and Finance are the <br />