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BOOK 2 PAGE 752 4D <br />LEE COUNTY <br />Comtrritted Todoy for o Better Tomorrow <br />RESOLUTION AMENDING THE COMPOSITION <br />OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW <br />AND <br />MAKING APPOINTMENTS THERETO <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners appointed a special Board of <br />Equalization and Review pursuant to North Carolina General Statute §105-322 <br />on February 21, 2005, and it is presently functioning; and <br />WHEREAS, the remaining term of Jack McNeill needs to be filled with a <br />new member; and <br />WHEREAS, Johnny Mack Burns is no longer able to serve on the Board; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Equalization and Review shall be composed of <br />five (5) regular members and five (5) alternate members. <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners <br />as follows: <br />Section 1: <br />Herman Morris is moved from an alternate member to a <br />regular member to fill the vacancy left by Johnny Mack <br />Burns. This term shall expire February 2012. <br />Section 2: <br />Herb Hincks is moved from an alternate member to a regular <br />member to fill the vacancy left by Jack McNeill. This term <br />shall expire February 2010. <br />Section 3 <br />That the following persons are appointed as alternate <br />members of the Board of Equalization and Review for a <br />three-year term expiring on February 2012. <br />Cindy Ammons <br />Andrew Lucas <br />Jon Michael McDonald <br />Section 4: <br />Except as herein amended the Resolution establishing the <br />Lee County Board of Equalization and Review adopted on <br />February 21, 2005, remains in full force and affect. <br />Section 5: <br />This Resolution is effective upon adoption and the Clerk <br />shall forward a copy to the North Carolina Department of <br />Revenue within fifteen (15) days after its adoption. <br />