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Each federal fiscal year, 85%of the federal incentive funds is shared with the counties, based on their <br /> performance in the program service areas mentioned above. The North Carolina Child Support Services <br /> (NCCSS) Central Office retains the remaining 15%to enhance centralized child support services. <br /> Federal Regulations 45 CFR 303.52 require state IV-D programs to develop a standard methodology for the <br /> disbursement of incentive funds to the county/local agencies that are designated as the administrators of their <br /> child support programs. <br /> NOTE:For 2022-23 and 2023-24, the Child Support MOU measures will be separated from the goals designed <br /> to ensure continuous quality improvement of our child support program. All Child Support performance <br /> measures will be growth measures. <br /> A Closer Look: Child Support Performance Measures <br /> In accordance with Federal Regulations at 45 CFR 305.2, the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement <br /> (OCSE) determines incentive funding for states by measuring performance levels in these four program areas <br /> identified below. County performance measures are established not only to ensure that the child support <br /> program meets the performance measures set by the federal government, but that the program remains <br /> focused on improving the economic self-sufficiency of families with children. Counties falling below the <br /> minimum federal performance measure are subject to a corrective action plan. <br /> 1.County paternity establishment performance level must exceed 50%at the end of the State Fiscal Year(June 30). <br /> NOTE:For 2022-23 and 2023-24, all Child Support performance measures will be growth measures. <br /> RATIONALE <br /> Paternity establishment is an essential component in obtaining and enforcing support orders for children. <br /> The Paternity Establishment Percentage (PEP) is the percentage of children born out of wedlock for whom <br /> paternity has been established or acknowledged. <br /> BASIS <br /> Monthly performance is calculated for county/local agencies by determining the number of children in <br /> the IV-D caseload who have been born out-of-wedlock and for whom paternity has been established or <br /> acknowledged to the total number of children as of the end of the preceding state fiscal year who were born <br /> out-of-wedlock. Federal regulations require states to have a 90% minimum PEP rate to earn full incentives <br /> and avoid penalties to TANF block grant funding. To be eligible for any portion of the incentive dollars, the <br /> applicable percentage must be no lower than 50%. <br /> • Federal Code: 42 U.S.C. 652(q)(1)(A) <br /> • Federal Code: 42 U.S.C. 658a(b)(6)(A) <br /> • North Carolina General Statute: 110-129.1(a)(9) <br /> 1.County support order establishment performance level must exceed 50%at the end of the State Fiscal Year(June 30). <br /> NOTE:For 2022-23 and 2023-24, all Child Support performance measures will be growth measures. <br /> RATIONALE <br /> A child support order obligates noncustodial parents to provide financial support for their children and stipulates <br /> the amount of the obligation and how it is to be paid. Child support payments enable parents who do not live with <br /> their children to fulfill their financial responsibility to them by contributing to the payment of childrearing costs. <br /> BASIS <br /> Monthly performance is calculated for county/local agencies by determining the number of IV-D cases with <br /> child support orders as a percentage of their overall caseload. The average of these monthly percentages is <br /> Zof 3 <br />