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ii. Provide timely information on all matters that have a potential negative <br /> impact on the social services programs they administer, including but not <br /> limited to, litigation risks (not including child welfare cases governed by <br /> Chapter 7B or adult services cases governed by Chapter 35A or 108A), <br /> network and computer issues, or data breaches. <br /> iii. Provide timely information regarding temporary or permanent changes to <br /> the Social Services Governing Board. or the County Social Services <br /> Director, including retirements, separations, or any leaves of absence <br /> greater than two calendar weeks. <br /> e. Inter-agency Cooperation: <br /> i. Ensure that county social services personnel complete required training <br /> and are prepared to engage in Disaster Management, mass shelter, BCP <br /> and COOP operations. <br /> ii. Ensure that all plans and systems are in place to meet potential disaster <br /> (natural, technical, otherwise) response requirements. <br /> iii. Engage with DHHS, state Emergency Management and local leadership in <br /> associated efforts. <br /> iv. Assist or operate mass shelter operations or other required disaster <br /> management responsibilities. <br /> (3) The County shall timely meet all its responsibilities contained in this MOU. "Timely"shall <br /> be defined consistent with timeliness requirements set forth in relevant statute, regulation, <br /> policy or as otherwise required by the Department. If timeliness is not otherwise defined, <br /> "timely" shall mean within a reasonable time under the circumstances. <br /> 15.0 Data Security and Reporting <br /> Data Security: The County shall adopt and apply data privacy and security requirements to comply <br /> with all applicable federal, state, department and local laws, regulations, and rules. To the extent that <br /> the Department and the County have already entered into one or more data privacy agreements <br /> covering all or any portion of the work to be performed under this MOU,the Parties hereby adopt and <br /> incorporate such agreements by reference into this MOU as if fully set forth herein. <br /> Duty to Report: The County shall report all privacy and security incidents related to the provision <br /> of social services programs covered by the MOU to the Department and the Privacy and Security <br /> Office within twenty-four (24) hours after the privacy and security incident is first discovered, <br /> provided that the County shall report a breach involving Social Security Administration data or <br /> Internal Revenue Service data within one(1)hour after the incident is first discovered. During the <br /> performance of this MOU, the County is to notify the Department of any contact by the federal <br /> Office for Civil Rights (OCR) received by the County related to the provision of social services <br /> programs covered by the MOU. In case of a privacy and security incident, the County, including <br /> any subcontractors or agents it retains, shall fully cooperate with the Department. <br /> 16.0 Miscellaneous <br /> Choice of Law: The validity of this MOU and any of its terms or provisions, as well as the rights <br /> and duties of the Parties to this MOU, are governed by the laws of North Carolina. The Parties,by <br /> signing this MOU, agree and submit, solely for matters concerning this MOU, to the exclusive <br /> Page 9 of 10 <br />