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For Lee: <br /> IF DELIVERED BY US POSTAL SERVICE IF DELIVERED BY ANY OTHER MEANS <br /> Angelina Noel, Director Angelina Noel, Director <br /> Lee County DSS Lee County DSS <br /> P.O. Box 1066 530 Carthage Street <br /> Sanford, NC 27331 Sanford, NC 27330 <br /> 13.0 Responsibilities of the Department <br /> The Department hereby agrees that its responsibilities under this MOU are as follows: <br /> (1) The Department shall develop performance requirements for each social services <br /> program based upon standardized metrics utilizing reliable data. The performance <br /> requirements are identified in Attachments I and II. <br /> (2) The Department shall provide supervision, program monitoring and technical assistance to <br /> the counties in the administration of social services programs. <br /> (3) The Department shall provide leadership and coordination for developing strategies that <br /> address system-level barriers to the effective delivery of social services programs, <br /> including but not limited to: the Administrative Office of Courts, the LME/MCO, <br /> Department of Public Instruction, and the Department of Public Safety. <br /> (4) The Department shall have the following administrative responsibilities: <br /> a. Staff Training and Workforce Development: <br /> i. Develop training requirements for county personnel and provide guidance <br /> for adequate staffing patterns related to the provision of social services <br /> programs. The Department will publish annually, a list of required and <br /> recommended trainings for county personnel directly involved in the <br /> administration of social services programs covered under this MOU. <br /> ii. Develop training curricula and provide,timely,adequate access to statewide <br /> training opportunities for county personnel related to the provision of social <br /> services programs. Training opportunities may include in-person, self- <br /> guided, web-based and remotely facilitated programs. <br /> iii. The Department will publish a training calendar,at least quarterly,notifying <br /> the counties of training opportunities. <br /> iv. Provide timely written guidance related to new federal or state statutes or <br /> regulations. The Department will provide information in advance of the <br /> effective date of new policy to the extent possible, including interpretations <br /> and clarifications of existing policy. <br /> v. Provide technical assistance and training in areas where quality control, <br /> monitoring or data indicates a lack of correct application of law,rule or policy. <br /> b. Performance Monitoring: <br /> i. Monitor and evaluate county compliance with applicable federal and state <br /> laws, rules and policies. <br /> ii. Provide feedback to counties with recommended changes when necessary. <br /> Page 6 of 10 <br />