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County if County's use of an area is terminated. Also, it is agreed that any permanent <br /> improvements or equipment installed or erected by County on Board property shall be <br /> maintained by County at County expense. All improvements or equipment installed or erected by <br /> Board on County property shall be maintained by Board at Board's expense. <br /> It is further understood and agreed that either party to this Agreement may, at any time, <br /> terminate this Agreement upon giving in writing to the other party six months' notice of intent to <br /> terminate. <br /> It is further agreed that County and Board shall retain the right to cancel or postpone <br /> activities scheduled on or in their respective facilities should, in the best professional opinion of <br /> their staffs, extenuating circumstances such as weather and emergencies warrant such <br /> cancellations or postponements. <br /> It is agreed that use of County facilities shall be subject to personnel fees as established <br /> by the County. However, such fees shall not be collected from the Board unless written notice of <br /> the schedule of fees is delivered to the school principal before Board uses said facilities. <br /> It is agreed that the use of Board facilities shall be subject to all fees as established by the <br /> Board in Administrative Regulation 5030-R and shall be charged in accordance with Section B, <br /> "Priority In Use/Fee Structure"in Board policy 5030, "Community Use of School Facilities." <br /> It is agreed that in consideration of use of facilities, County shall pay to the Board one <br /> half the cost of annual field maintenance and gymnasium floor maintenance as spent by the <br /> Board,or shall provide in-kind maintenance services equal to one-half the cost of needed <br /> maintenance. Furthermore, it is agreed that all fees collected by the County on behalf of the <br /> Board shall be considered County revenue. <br /> Tramway Road Park is owned by Lee County. Lee County Parks and Recreation will be <br /> responsible for managing the park including scheduling activities, scheduling maintenance and <br /> reports, and paying utilities. Lee County Public Works will provide maintenance of the facility. <br /> Maintenance will consist of once weekly grass cutting throughout the growing season,daily field <br /> preparation during the sports seasons, and repairs to the facility. Lee County Schools will have <br /> priority scheduling of the baseball/softball fields during the scholastic sports seasons. Lee <br /> County Schools will provide a game and practice schedule to Lee County Parks and Recreation <br /> as soon as available prior to the sports season. <br /> The County shall maintain at all times during the term of this Agreement, at its sole <br /> expense, liability insurance in the minimum amounts of$1,000,000.00 in the case of injury to <br /> one person, $2,000,000.00 in the case of injury to more than one person in the same occurrence, <br /> and$500,000.00 in the case of damage to property caused by the negligence or tort of any agent <br /> or employee of the County when acting within the scope of his authority or the course of his <br /> employment in performing the activities encompassed within this agreement or about the Joint <br /> Use Property. <br /> 4 <br />