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taxable investment and until the COMPANY creates at least two hundred thirty- <br /> five(235)New Jobs to be maintained through the end of the Investment Period, <br /> as set forth in Exhibit B of the Agreement, all conditions of which were <br /> contemplated in arriving at the consideration that it receives pursuant to this <br /> Agreement. <br /> d. The COMPANY hereby certifies, and further attaches an affidavit of certification, <br /> that without(BUT FOR)the incentives provided by the COUNTY, it would not <br /> conduct the Project in the County. <br /> e. The COMPANY hereby further certifies that it was considering other states for <br /> this Project. <br /> f. The COMPANY has been informed and understands that reimbursement will be <br /> made only for the New Jobs created at an average annual wage rate stated herein, <br /> and verifiable investment-through an increase in building renovations and <br /> purchase of machinery and equipment-as of December 31,2026, as is further <br /> agreed to herein and shown on Exhibit A and Exhibit B. <br /> g. The COMPANY covenants and agrees to pay the taxes, create the New Jobs at <br /> the average annual wage rate and make the taxable investment, all of which are <br /> the subject to this Agreement, in accordance with the purposes and/or under the <br /> restrictions and covenants as set forth herein. <br /> 4. GRANT. In exchange for the Taxable Investment by the COMPANY, the creation of <br /> New Jobs paying the average annual wage rate as stated herein and offering benefits to <br /> the employees, and pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes 158-7.1, the COUNTY <br /> anticipates making an incentive grant to the COMPANY up to $275,595.00(two hundred <br /> seventy-five thousand, five hundred ninety-five dollars),paid in annual installments as <br /> shown on Exhibit A, subject to the obligation to repay incentive funds or to receive <br /> partial incentive funds as explained in section 7 of this Agreement. The COUNTY may <br /> use any fund source available to it, which is not restricted, to make the incentive payment <br /> to the COMPANY. The incentive payments shall be paid in amounts calculated and <br /> illustrated in Exhibit A. The COMPANY understands that the cash grant incentives may <br /> be paid on a pro rata basis depending on the job creation and/or actual net new taxable <br /> investment made by the COMPANY and further described in Section 5 and Section 7. <br /> The first calendar year in which an incentive payment will be paid to COMPANY will be <br /> 2023, for incentive year 2021, based upon property tax listings in 2022 for investments <br /> made in 2021. The final calendar year in which an incentive payment will be paid to <br /> COMPANY will be 2027, for incentive year 2025,based upon property listings in 2026, <br /> for investments made in 2025. <br />