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BK:00025 PG 0031 <br />LICENSE AGREEMENT - LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES <br />Agreement American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers ( "SOCIETY "), located at <br />2 Music Square West, Nashville, TN 37203 <br />and County of Lee, NC <br />( "LICENSEE "), located at <br />106 Hillcrest Dr <br />Government Center Sanford NC 27330 -4021 <br />as follows: <br />1. Grant and Term of License <br />(a) ASCAP grants and LICENSEE accepts a license to perform publicly on the "Premises" and at "Events" and "Functions," and <br />not elsewhere or otherwise, non- dramatic renditions of the separate musical compositions in the " ASCAP repertory." The <br />performances licensed under this Agreement may be by means of "Live Entertainment" or "Mechanical Music ". For purposes of this <br />Agreement, <br />(i) "LICENSEE" shall include the named entity and any of its constituent bodies, departments, agencies or leagues. <br />(ii) "Mechanical Music" means music which is performed at the Premises by means other than by live musicians who <br />are performing at the Premises, including, but not limited to (A) compact disc, audio record or audio tape players <br />(but not including "jukeboxes "), (B) videotape, videodisc or DVD players; (C) the reception and communication at <br />the premises of radio or television transmissions which originate outside the Premises; and which are not exempt <br />under the Copyright Law; or (D) a music -on -hold telephone system operated by LICENSEE at the Premises. <br />(iii) "Live Entertainment " means music that is performed at the Premises by musicians, singers or other performers. <br />(iv) "Premises" means buildings, hospitals, airports, zoos, museums, athletic facilities, and recreational facilities, <br />including, but not limited to, community centers, parks, swimming pools, and skating rinks owned or operated by <br />LICENSEE and any site which has been engaged by LICENSEE for use by LICENSEE. <br />(v) " ASCAP repertory" means all copyrighted musical compositions written or published by ASCAP members or <br />members of affiliated foreign performing rights societies, including compositions written or published during the <br />tern of this Agreement and of which ASCAP has the right to license non - dramatic public performances. <br />(vi) "Events" and "Functions" means any activity conducted, sponsored, or presented by or under the auspices of <br />LICENSEE. Except as set forth in paragraph 2.(d) below, "Events" and "Functions" shall include, but are not <br />limited to, aerobics and exercise classes, athletic events, dances and other social events, concerts, festivals, arts and <br />crafts fairs, and parades held under the auspices of or sponsored or promoted by LICENSEE on the Premises. <br />(vii) "Special Events" means musical events, concerts, shows, pageants, sporting events, festivals, competitions, and <br />other events of limited duration presented by LICENSEE for which the "Gross Revenue" of such Special Event <br />exceeds $25,000 (as defined in paragraph 4.(d) below). <br />(b) This Agreement shall be for an initial term of one year, commencing August I, 2012, which shall be considered the effective <br />date of this Agreement, and continuing thereafter for additional terms of one year each. Either party may give notice of termination to <br />the other no later than thirty (30) days prior to the end of the initial or any renewal term. If such notice is given, the agreement shall <br />terminate on the last day of the term in which notice is given. <br />2. Limitations On License <br />(a) This license is not assignable or transferable by operation of law or otherwise. This license does not authorize LICENSEE to <br />grant to others any right to perform publicly in any manner any of the musical compositions licensed under this agreement, nor does it <br />authorize any public performances at any of the Premises in any manner except as expressly herein provided. <br />(b) This license does not authorize (i) the broadcasting, telecasting or transmission or retransmission by wire, Internet, website or <br />otherwise, of renditions of musical compositions in ASCAP's repertory to persons outside of the Premises, other than by means of a <br />music -on -hold telephone system operated by LICENSEE at the Premises; and (ii) performances by means of background music (such <br />as Muzak) or other services delivered to the Premises. Nothing in this paragraph shall be deemed to limit LICENSEE's right to <br />transmit renditions of musical compositions in the ASCAP repertory to those who attend Events or Functions on the Premises by <br />means of teleconferencing, videoconferencing or similar technology. <br />(c) This license is limited to non - dramatic performances, and does not authorize any dramatic performances. For purposes of this <br />agreement, a dramatic performance shall include, but not be limited to, the following: <br />(i) performance of a " dramatico- musical work" (as hereinafter defined) in its entirety; <br />(ii) performance of one or more musical compositions from a "dramatico- musical work (as hereinafter defined) <br />accompanied by dialogue, pantomime, dance, stage action, or visual representation of the work from which the <br />music is taken; <br />