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the Sheriff's Department. Chatham, Moore and Harnett Counties all note Bread of Life <br /> and Outreach Mission in Sanford as resources of relief for the homeless. Commissioner <br /> Smith asked to call the question. Vice Chair Lavallee conceded the Chair back to <br /> Commissioner Smith. <br /> Motion: I move we appropriate up to $315,000 to OMI once OMI has received grant <br /> funding to build a new homeless shelter and staff has determined that <br /> appropriate legal method to provide the funding and any documents created to <br /> effectuate the transfer of the funds will be brought back to the Board for final <br /> approval. <br /> Mover: Robert Reives <br /> For: 4 - Robert Reives, Cameron Sharpe, Bill Carver, Mark Lovick <br /> Against: 3 - Arianna Lavallee, Dr. Andre Knecht, Kirk Smith <br /> Motion Result: Passed <br /> VI. MANAGERS REPORTS <br /> VI.A January 2022 Financial Report <br /> Assistant County Manager/Finance Director Lisa Minter presented the monthly <br /> financial report for January 2022, a copy of which is attached and incorporated into <br /> these minutes. County Manager John Crumpton noted that this past week the <br /> County paid $3.89 a gallon for gas while only $2.10 was actually budgeted. <br /> Monthly Financial Report-New Format FY 2021-2022.pdf <br /> monthly sales tax analysis2021-2022.pdf <br /> historical sales tax analysis.pdf <br /> countywide sales tax analysis 2021-2022.pdf <br /> VI.B Magneti Marelli Site Update <br /> County Manager John Crumpton updated the Board on efforts to remediate the <br /> hazardous waste permit. The Board gave the manager the authority to spend money <br /> and report to the Board. Year-to-date expenditures include $18,371.25 for prior <br /> work, $35,173.15 for drilling and sampling, $11, 150 has been encumbered for semi- <br /> annual sampling and $7,500 was approved for additional testing of contaminated <br /> soil based on arsenic levels. The consultant has been meeting with NCDEQ and a <br /> plan is being developed that may not be as complicated as originally thought. <br /> VI.0 S-Line Project Request <br /> County Manager John Crumpton referred to a prior Resolution of Support for the S-Line <br /> which involves the development of a new commuter line to Raleigh. There is a RAISE <br /> grant opportunity and NCDOT has requested community letters of support for the grant <br /> application. No funding request is attached; however, the City of Sanford is spending <br /> $190,000 as the match. Commissioner Reives requested assurance that the request <br /> does not include funding. The study is being driven by the NCDOT and the City is the <br /> local participant supporting the project. Commissioner Carver asked whether the <br /> amount of money that this project would take would really benefit the lifestyle of our <br /> local workers. Chairman Kirk Smith conceded the Chair to Vice-Chair Arianna Lavallee <br /> to make comment. There was a line from Raleigh to Wilmington that was suspended. <br /> When asked about the profitability of a line from Raleigh to Charlotte, the DOT said that <br /> a service was being provided. He noted that our area does not have the density to <br />