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3-7-22 BOC Regular Meeting
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3-7-22 BOC Regular Meeting
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Consolidated Agreement FY23 Page 13 of 28 <br /> instructions provided in funding-specific budgetary guidance from DCFW and DPH and the specific <br /> guidance from the respective programs. <br /> 2. LHD shall not reduce county appropriations for maternal and child health services provided by the <br /> local health departments because they have received State appropriations for this purpose, pursuant <br /> to N.C.G.S. § 130A-4.1.(a) State funds for maternal and child health care/nonsupplanting. <br /> 3. LHD shall budget and expend all income earned by LHD for maternal and child health programs <br /> supported in whole or in part from State or federal funds, received from the Department, to further <br /> the objectives of the program that generated the income, pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 130A-4.1.(b) State <br /> funds for maternal and child health care/nonsupplanting. <br /> 4. LHD shall not reduce county appropriations for health promotion services provided by the local <br /> health departments because they have received State appropriations for this purpose, pursuant to <br /> N.C.G.S. § 130A-4.2. State funds for health promotion/nonsupplanting. <br /> 5. LHD shall complete the LHD Assurance of County Appropriations Maintenance (Nonsupplanting) <br /> (Attachment A) regarding its compliance with these requirements. <br /> I. Local Earned Revenues Budgeting and Reporting: LHD shall observe the following conditions when <br /> budgeting and expending Local Earned Revenues: <br /> 1. Locally appropriated funds may not be withdrawn due to fee collection greater than projected in the <br /> budget or due to new grant funding except during the last two months of the fiscal year to allow the <br /> county to manage end of year budget close out. <br /> 2. Earned revenue (officially classified as local funds) must be budgeted and spent in the program that <br /> earned it unless otherwise noted in the respective Agreement Addenda. <br /> a. Revenue generated by a women's or children's health program may be budgeted and expended <br /> in any women's or children's health program, unless a specific Agreement Addendum has a <br /> more restrictive requirement. <br /> 3. LHD shall not use personal health program funds to support environmental health programs nor use <br /> environmental health program funds to support personal health programs. <br /> 4. Use of program income generated by the expenditure of federal categorical funds will be governed <br /> by applicable federal regulations, including, but not limited to, 2 C.F.R. Part 200. <br /> 5. A local account shall be maintained for unexpended earned revenues (i.e., Title XIX fees, private <br /> insurance, or private pay [cash]). Accounts shall be maintained in sufficient detail to identify the <br /> program source generating the fees. <br /> 6. The amount of Title XIX fees budgeted and expended in FY 2022-2023 must equal or exceed the <br /> amount of Title XIX revenues earned during FY 2020-2021. The State will not approve program <br /> activity budgets that do not include an amount of Title XIX fees sufficient to meet the requirements <br /> of this section. The State may waive this requirement if LHD provides sufficient justification. <br /> J. Aid-to-Counties Database and Expenditure Reports: LHD shall submit a monthly report of actual <br /> State, federal, and local required match expenditures to the NCDHHS Controller's Office via the Aid-to- <br /> Counties Database (ATC). <br /> 1. Specific ATC instructions and training will be provided by LTATB to LHD. <br />
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