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Consolidated Agreement FY23 Page 9 of 28 <br /> 5. When administering the Women, Infants, and Children's Program(WIC), LHD must adhere to the <br /> requirements set forth in Section 361 of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, which amended <br /> Section 12(b) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (NSLA), 42 U.S.C. 1760(b). <br /> This Act requires local health departments to support full use of the federal administrative funds <br /> provided for the WIC program. The federal administrative funds are specifically excluded from <br /> budget restrictions or limitations including, at a minimum, hiring freezes, work furloughs, and travel <br /> restrictions. <br /> 6. LHD agrees to execute the following consolidated Federal Certifications (Attachment C) as <br /> applicable when receiving federal funds and to immediately notify DCFW and DPH if the <br /> certifications, as executed, change during the term of the Consolidated Agreement: <br /> a. Certification regarding Nondiscrimination; <br /> b. Certification regarding Drug-Free Workplace Requirements; <br /> c. Certification regarding Environmental Tobacco Smoke; <br /> d. Certification regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion--Lower <br /> Tier Covered Transactions; and <br /> e. Certification regarding Lobbying. <br /> 7. Pursuant to the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA), LHD is required to <br /> submit to DCFW and DPH information that is reportable by DCFW and DPH for all qualified sub- <br /> awardees of federal funds. LHD will complete and submit the FFATA Data Reporting Requirement <br /> forms provided by DCFW and DPH to determine the eligibility as a sub-awardee for reporting <br /> purposes. Information provided by LHD will be used by DCFW and DPH to report subawards <br /> (funding authorizations) equal to or greater than $25,000 from each federal grant. <br /> 8. LHD shall maintain an active registration in the federal government's System for Award <br /> Management (SAM). The SAM registration must be updated no less often than annually in order to <br /> maintain an active status. To update the registration, LHD must log in at the SAM home page, <br />, and follow the instructions found there. <br /> C. Training Reimbursement <br /> 1. Subject to the availability of funds and approval by the Office of the Chief Public Health <br /> Nurse/Local Technical Assistance Training Branch, LHD may request reimbursement of expenses <br /> for: <br /> a. Public Health Registered Nurses participating in Principles and Practices of Public Health <br /> Nursing course. Reimbursement is $400 per participant upon successful completion of the <br /> course. Reimbursement requests must be submitted by LHD to the Local Technical Assistance <br /> and Training Branch within the same fiscal year the course is completed; and/or <br /> b. LHD Management/Supervision level staff participating in the Management and Supervision for <br /> Public Health Professionals course. Reimbursement is $600 per participant upon successful <br /> completion of the course. Reimbursement requests must be submitted by LHD to the Local <br /> Technical Assistance and Training Branch within the same fiscal year the course is completed. <br /> The Training Funds Reimbursement Request Form can be found at <br /> under the General Information: Training Reimbursement section. (This form can also be downloaded <br /> at <br /> 2. Subject to the availability of funds and approval by the Environmental Health Section, LHD may <br /> request reimbursement for Centralized Intern Training (CIT) and a one-time mileage allocation. <br /> Reimbursement requests must be submitted by LHD to the Environmental Health Section within the <br />