§ 3.1.7 The Architect shall assist the Owner and Construction Manager in connection with the Owner's responsibility for
<br /> filing documents required for the approval of governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Project.
<br /> § 3.1.8 Prior to the Owner's acceptance of the Construction Manager's Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal,or the
<br /> Owner's approval of the Construction Manager's Control Estimate,as applicable,the Architect shall consider the
<br /> Construction Manager's requests for substitutions and,upon written request of the Construction Manager,provide
<br /> clarification or interpretations pertaining to the Drawings,Specifications,and other documents submitted by the
<br /> Architect. The Architect and Construction Manager shall include the Owner in communications related to substitution
<br /> requests, clarifications,and interpretations.
<br /> §3.2 Review of the Construction Manager's Guaranteed Maximum Price Proposal or Control Estimate
<br /> § 3.2.1 At a time to be mutually agreed upon by the Owner and the Construction Manager,the Construction Manager shall
<br /> prepare,for review by the Owner and Architect,and for the Owner's acceptance or approval,a Guaranteed Maximum
<br /> Price proposal or Control Estimate.The Architect shall assist the Owner in reviewing the Construction Manager's
<br /> proposal or estimate.The Architect's review is not for the purpose of discovering errors,omissions,or inconsistencies;for
<br /> the assumption of any responsibility for the Construction Manager's proposed means,methods,sequences,techniques,or
<br /> procedures;or for the verification of any estimates of cost or estimated cost proposals. In the event that the Architect
<br /> discovers any inconsistencies or inaccuracies in the information presented,the Architect shall promptly notify the Owner
<br /> and Construction Manager.
<br /> § 3.2.2 Upon authorization by the Owner,and subject to Section,the Architect shall update the Drawings,
<br /> Specifications,and other documents to incorporate the agreed upon assumptions and clarifications contained in the
<br /> Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment or Control Estimate.
<br /> § 3.3 Schematic Design Phase Services
<br /> § 3.3.1 The Architect shall review the program,and other information furnished by the Owner and Construction Manager,
<br /> and shall review laws,codes,and regulations applicable to the Architect's services.
<br /> § 3.3.2 The Architect shall prepare a preliminary evaluation of the Owner's program,schedule,budget for the Cost of the
<br /> Work,Project site,and other Initial Information,each in terms of the other,to ascertain the requirements of the Project.
<br /> The Architect shall notify the Owner of(1)any inconsistencies discovered in the information,and(2)other information or
<br /> consulting services that may be reasonably needed for the Project.
<br /> § 3.3.3 The Architect shall present its preliminary evaluation to the Owner and Construction Manager and shall discuss
<br /> with the Owner and Construction Manager alternative approaches to design and construction of the Project.The Architect
<br /> shall reach an understanding with the Owner regarding the requirements of the Project.
<br /> § 3.3.4 Based on the Project requirements agreed upon with the Owner,the Architect shall prepare and present,to the
<br /> Owner and Construction Manager,for the Owner's approval,a preliminary design illustrating the scale and relationship of
<br /> the Project components.
<br /> § 3.3.5 Based on the Owner's approval of the preliminary design,the Architect shall prepare Schematic Design
<br /> Documents for Construction Manager's review and the Owner's approval. The Schematic Design Documents shall
<br /> consist of drawings and other documents including a site plan,if appropriate,and preliminary building plans,sections and
<br /> elevations;and may include some combination of study models,perspective sketches,or digital representations.
<br /> Preliminary selections of major building systems and construction materials shall be noted on the drawings or described in
<br /> writing.
<br /> § The Architect shall consider sustainable design alternatives,such as material choices and building orientation,
<br /> together with other considerations based on program and aesthetics,in developing a design that is consistent with the
<br /> Owner's program,schedule and budget for the Cost of the Work.The Owner may obtain more advanced sustainable
<br /> design services as a Supplemental Service under Section 4.1.
<br /> § The Architect shall consider with the Owner and the Construction Manager the value of alternative materials,
<br /> building systems and equipment,together with other considerations based on program and aesthetics, in developing a
<br /> design for the Project that is consistent with the Owner's program,schedule,and budget for the Cost of the Work.
<br /> Init. AIA Document B133- -2019.Copyright©2014,and 2019 by The American Institute of Architects.All rights reserved.The-American Institute of Architects,"
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<br /> software at 09:18:54 ET on 02/11/2022 under Order No.2998476739 which expires on 09/25/2022,is not for resale,is licensed for one-time use only,and may only
<br /> be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents®Terms of Service.To report copyright violations,e-mail copyright@aia.org.
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