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1-27 - 1-28-22 BOC Planning Retreat
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1-27 - 1-28-22 BOC Planning Retreat
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4/18/2022 3:24:43 PM
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looking at 12 months before the County can go out to bid for construction. Same thing with <br /> the library. On the library project, Vines should soon be under contract for the design and <br /> SametSanford Contractors will be under contract in the next 30 days for the Construction <br /> Manager at Risk. Since the Board put aside money in Capital Project funds to put toward <br /> debt, the numbers for financing look really good even at a higher interest rate of 5%. <br /> Courthouse Complex.pdf <br /> LCGC Renovations.pdf <br /> Park Improvements Project.pdf <br /> Remaining Funds.pdf <br /> New Capital Projects.pdf <br /> FY 22-23 BUDGET PRIORITIES <br /> FY 22-23 Budget Issues for staff and Dr. John Crumpton <br /> A review of staff recommendations was provided due to potential staff expenditure increases. <br /> The COLA would have been 7.2% based on the County's policy and CPI. The County <br /> Manager thought this was a little high to consider in the budget, however over the last few <br /> years the COLA was so low that it was given above CPI. Dr. Crumpton proposed <br /> consideration of a 4% for fiscal year 2023. He said the priority is to maintain the pay plan <br /> which is estimated to cost$260,000. There is a proposed plan to take all regular employees to <br /> minimum wage of$15 per hour, but the timing of this could raise issues related to <br /> compression and equity to other staff. Dr. Crumpton suggested the budget could incorporate <br /> the increase by cutting the number in half and over next two budgets, which could bring <br /> everyone to $15 per hour while keeping separation in OSP. The Local Government <br /> Retirement System has increased rates. Building maintenance is anticipated at$350,000. <br /> Spec building changes included$81,500 that was budgeted for this year instead of$162,000 <br /> the County was possibly responsible for because the was construction for the next spec <br /> building was not anticipated to be completed prior to January 1St, but next year$131,250 <br /> would be added to the budget and the second year would cost$206,000 if the County had to <br /> pay for the lease. The County has not had to make any payments on the spec building lease <br /> agreements to date. In speaking with the schools, the Board of Education is recommending a <br /> supplement increase for teachers. Phase II of Parks Master Plan will be included in the <br /> budget. The parking lot at the County-owned EMS building will need to be replaced, which is <br /> anticipated to cost$252,000. Commissioners Reives asked if the EMS center parking lot <br /> expense could be done with ARPA funds, and Lisa Minter responded that it could come from <br /> the $10,000,000 standard allowance. Dr. Crumpton said the County's health insurance plan <br /> has had higher pay outs because of COVID-19, so there is an anticipated increase in cost. <br /> Three hundred and sixty employees are on insurance and only 74 carry anything above <br /> employee. The 74 employees pay$410 a paycheck or about$820 a month, so if it goes up <br /> then premiums are raised in the same amount. There is an employee plan, employee and <br /> children and a family plan. Lisa Minter suggested that another option the Board could consider <br /> is paying more toward someone who is paying for employee and children to offset the <br /> increase but the County Manager said there is an argument that if you supplement more <br /> children you add more costs. Commissioner Reives requested that the options be shared with <br /> the Board during budget time. <br /> FY 2022 to 24 budget considerations.pdf <br /> 11 <br />
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