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BOOK SG <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker, duly seconded <br />by Commissioner John E. Dotterer, which motion was duly seconded, it was <br />unanimously resolved to observe Wednesday, December 23, Thursday, December <br />24 and Friday, December 25, as holidays for the year 1981. <br />Commissioner John E. Dotterer moved that the County Manager <br />be authorized and empowered to draft a resolution in memory of Mr. Graham <br />Johnson, a deceased County employee, and that when drafted, such resolution be <br />incorporated in these minutes and a copy furnished to his family and to the press. <br />Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unani- <br />mously adopted. <br />There being no further business to come before the meeting, it <br />was adjourned, sine die. <br />CHAIRMAN <br />C LE <br />