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Minutes - June 18, 2012 Budget Work Session
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Minutes - June 18, 2012 Budget Work Session
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BK:00024 PG:0980 <br />as many industrial properties as possible in Lee County. The purpose of the program is to improve Lee <br />County's competitive position for the location of new businesses and industries. Mr. Heuts stated that <br />while Lee County has available land to offer prospective industries, the sites lack the information <br />necessary so companies can make quick decisions for their businesses. Potential industrial park land <br />meeting the current criteria for certification would include the Lee County Industrial Park, South Park, <br />and the Triassic. After discussion, Commissioner Womack moved to allocate up to $19,800 to the <br />Economic Development Corporation (EDC) for purposes of certifying one or more sites for industrial <br />development with the understanding the affected landowner(s) will match the county's distribution of up <br />to $9,900; and with the understanding that landowners may use the EDC's revolving loan fund program <br />to finance their match. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Hayes, Oldham, Parks, Paschal, Reives, Shook, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />At this time the Board discussed the FY 2012 -13 budget. County Manager John Crumpton <br />stated the following items were asked to be discussed, by Commissioners, during the budget work <br />session: <br />• (Commissioners) $ 25,000 for ChamberNisitor's Bureau, <br />• (Administration) Salary adjustment for the County Attorney, <br />• (General Services) Decrease of $123,000 in building improvements ($95,000 <br />roof repair at the Lee County Government Center, $28,000 for wall paper in the <br />Sheriff's Department, and $24,000 in Capital Outlay — utility truck), <br />• (Sheriff) Salary adjustment, <br />• (Health — General Administration) Increase to cover scanner licenses and to start <br />scanning project, <br />• (Social Services) Increase of $37,209 to cover purchase of scanners and <br />software for scanning, <br />• (Schools) Discussion of purpose and function funding, and B.T. Bullock school <br />paving project, <br />• (Human Resources) $11,000 for employee health assessments, and <br />• (Board of Elections) Increase of $5,100 to cover costs related to the 2n primary <br />scheduled in July. <br />After discussion, the following motions were made in reference to the FY 2012 -13 budget: <br />Commissioner Reives moved to approve a $3,922 increase (plus 3% COLA) for the County <br />Attorney. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Hayes, Oldham, Paschal, and Reives <br />Nay: Parks, Shook, and Womack <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted by a 4 to 3 vote. <br />Commissioner Hayes moved to decrease the budget for General Services by $123,000 in <br />building improvements as stated in the County Manager's recommendation. Upon a vote, the results <br />were as follows: <br />2 <br />
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