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11-1-21 BOC Regular Meeting
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11-1-21 BOC Regular Meeting
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12/22/2021 1:04:23 PM
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12/22/2021 1:04:14 PM
Board of Commissioners
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IV.B Lee County Library Project 4841-01-21 Basic and Supplemental Services <br /> Pricing (Placeholder) <br /> Removed. <br /> V. NEW BUSINESS <br /> V.A Lee County Government Website Re-Design, Migration, and Implementation <br /> IT Director Kyle Edwards introduced a website redesign proposal from Revize. A <br /> representative from Revize was present to provide additional information and to <br /> provide examples of completed projects. The current website is a reiteration of the <br /> County's website in 2008. A facelift was provided in 2016/2017, but it was not a <br /> functional enhancement. For the last couple of years, staff has been more focused <br /> on the website as a core marketing tool for the County. One of the complaints is the <br /> ability for departments to update information. Ease of access to search the site is <br /> another noted issue. In September, an RFP was sent out directly to seven <br /> companies and posted on the website for a month and published in the Sanford <br /> Herald. Nine responses were received which varied in price and were able to be <br /> narrowed down to four. Two of the vendors didn't meet the specifications because <br /> they didn't include a full data migration, and another vendor was not responsive <br /> when staff made contact. Staff was looking for a provider that was within budget and <br /> could fit the County's long-term goals including focusing on support, security, service <br /> level response times, experienced support staff, training opportunities, proactiveness <br /> in the lifecycle of the relationship and continual focus as technology moves and <br /> changes. Revize is headquartered in Detroit, Michigan. Revize has launched <br /> websites for 2,500 municipalities and counties throughout the country. Highlights <br /> include updating their system about four times a year so it continuously gets better <br /> and the County would not pay extra to benefit from these upgrades as it is included <br /> in their pricing. There is also free training any time a new employee comes on <br /> board. A couple of key features of the website design include a calendar of events, <br /> online forms and a public records request tracker. A product demonstration to <br /> provide an overview of the process was provided by the representative from Revize. <br /> The demonstration included providing information about their search algorithms and <br /> the benefit of it not being like a Google search and a demonstration of how a user <br /> could change the language of the site. <br /> WebsitePres2l.pptx <br /> Motion: Motion to authorize the County Manager to approve the purchase <br /> order and business agreement associated with scope of work from Revize <br /> on the County's website re-design, migration, and implementation. <br /> Mover: Robert Reives <br /> For: 7 - Arianna Lavallee, Dr. Andre Knecht, Robert Reives, Cameron Sharpe, <br /> Kirk Smith, Bill Carver, Mark Lovick <br /> Motion Result: Passed <br /> 4 <br />
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