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behind the map was not to oust Commissioner Reives, it is compact, it keeps the precincts <br /> and maintains the majority-minority district. Commissioner Carver addressed the process <br /> followed to define Plan F. The first step was to address the total population count in each of <br /> the four districts. Looking at the infinite number of possible ways to redistrict, why is Plan F <br /> acceptable (based on the Voting Rights Act)? Natural boundaries were used to define a <br /> change in the northeast portion of District 1 (Poplar Springs Church Road and Lick Creek <br /> Road) instead of choosing a line of selected census blocks. Precinct integrity was <br /> maintained in District 3 by not shifting portions of Carolina Trace to District 2. Since <br /> population from District 2 was moved to District 1, the loss in population was compensated <br /> for by moving a northern piece of District 4 defined by a natural boundary to District 2. <br /> Choices were made in a sequence specified in the Voting Rights Act, population <br /> distribution, compactness, continuity, natural boundaries, and then a check was made to <br /> ensure someone or group was not disenfranchised. Looking at the change in percentages <br /> (of minorities) to District 1, Commissioner Carver felt it would be hard to argue that a <br /> minority candidate would not be elected or reelected in that district. He said the argument is <br /> made that Plan F was designed and is acceptable based on the Voting Rights Act adding <br /> that there was no motivation at the beginning of designing Plan F to intentionally <br /> disenfranchise anyone. A review of Plan F showed that there was not a significant change <br /> to the percentages of minorities in District 1. Commissioner Reives requested voting age <br /> population percentages, which County Attorney Whitney Parrish stated that voting age <br /> population was provided. Don Kovasckitz stated that the voting age information was pulled <br /> from the census block data, not the number of registered voters. Kovasckitz provided a <br /> breakdown of the voter age population by race for each of the considered plans A, F, and <br /> G. After further discussion, Vice Chair Lavallee requested to call the question. <br /> Resolution Redistricting 2021 Plan F.docx <br /> Motion: Motion to adopt Plan A. <br /> Mover: Robert Reives <br /> For: 3 - Robert Reives, Cameron Sharpe, Mark Lovick <br /> Against: 4 - Arianna Lavallee, Dr. Andre Knecht, Kirk Smith, Bill Carver <br /> Motion Result: Failed <br /> Motion: Motion to adopt Plan G. <br /> Mover: Robert Reives <br /> For: 3 - Robert Reives, Cameron Sharpe, Mark Lovick <br /> Against: 4 - Arianna Lavallee, Dr. Andre Knecht, Kirk Smith, Bill Carver <br /> Motion Result: Failed <br /> Motion: Motion to adopt the Resolution for redistricting Plan F. <br /> Mover: Arianna Lavallee <br /> For: 4 - Arianna Lavallee, Dr. Andre Knecht, Kirk Smith, Bill Carver <br /> Against: 3 - Robert Reives, Cameron Sharpe, Mark Lovick <br /> Motion Result: Passed <br /> V.B Request to begin installation of "In God We Trust" motto <br /> On January 20, 2021, Mr. Rick Lanier, representing the "Us Motto Action <br /> Committee"requested to appear before the Board to discuss and present renditions <br /> of placing the US motto "In God We Trust"on the exterior of the new courthouse, the <br /> County Administration Building and the Commissioners' chambers at no cost to the <br /> County. The Committee would like to begin installation and according to the <br /> previously adopted resolution, installation can occur once there is an agreement in <br /> 4 <br />