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~n 10 34'7 <br />Vicious animal: One that has made an unprovoked attack on a <br />human or that attacks farm stock and other pets. <br />See. 2. Establishment and Composition of the Animal Control Section; appointment <br />and compensation of employees. <br />There is hereby created an Animal Control Section as a unit of the <br />District Health Department of the County, which shall be composed of such employees <br />as shall be determined by the Board of County Commissioners. Such employees shall <br />be appointed by the District Health Director and compensated in accordance with the <br />personnel policies of Lee County. <br />Sec. 3. General duties of Animal Control Section: <br />of: <br />The Animal Control Section shall be charged with the responsibility <br />(1) Enforcing, in this county, all state and county laws, ordinances <br />and resolutions relating to the care, custody and control of <br />animals. <br />(2) Cooperating with the Health Director and assisting in the enforce- <br />ment of the laws of the state with regard to animals and espec- <br />ially with regard to vaccination of animals against rabies and <br />the confinement or leashing of vicious animals. <br />(3) Investigating cruelty or animal abuse with regard to animals. <br />(4) Making such canvasses of the county, including the homes in <br />the county, as it deems necessary for the purpose of ascer- <br />taining that all animals are duly licensed and vaccinated against <br />rabies as required by local ordinance or State statute. <br />Sec. 4. Records to be kept by Animal Control Section: <br />It shall be the duty of the Animal Control Section to keep, or cause <br />to be kept, accurate and detailed records of: <br />(1) Impoundment and disposition of all animals coming into the <br />animal shelter or shelters. <br />(2) Bite cases, violations and complaints, and investigation of same. <br />(3) All monies belonging to the county which were derived from <br />impoundment fees, penalties and license tags, and sales of <br />animals. <br />