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f~ <br />°IJN 10 „sr 360 <br />Several residents on the lower Moncure Road appeared before <br />the Board and a Mr. Rodden served as their spokesman. Mr. Rodden requested <br />that any grant money available be used to extend the water line in the area oftheir <br />residences on the lower Moncure Road. The Board reviewed with them the procedure <br />whereby grants were obtained for projects and Mr.. Elwin J. Buchanan prepared <br />an estimate of costs of the line based upon the bids received by the County on its <br />last project. <br />Mr. Douglas Wilkinson, Mr. Hal T. Siler, Mr. Meigs Golden, <br />and Mr. Jimmy Bridges, of the Board of Trustees, and Mr. Elbert Price, Business <br />Manager, and Mr. J. F. Hockaday, President of Central Carolina Technical College, <br />appeared before the Board and presented a request for $6, 300. 0_0-from Current <br />Expense Funds to provide for the electricity and water needs for the remainder <br />of the school year and a capital outlay request in the amount of $8, 800. 00 to install <br />a fire hydrant in the rear portion of the campus. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker <br />moved that the request be approved and that the County Manager be authorized and <br />directed to prepare a formal budget amendment to accomplish such purposes for <br />submission to the Board for its consideration. Commissioner John E. Dotterer <br />seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. While the repre- <br />sentatives from the Central Carolina Technical College were present, the Board <br />took under consideration the cost estimate which had been furnished by the Main- <br />tenance Supervisor for renovating the emergency room at the old hospital building, <br />for use by the Technical College in housing their nursing program. Commissioner <br />Gordon A. Wicker moved that the Maintenance Supervisor be authorized and directed <br />to proceed with the renovation program and to prepare suitable quarters for the <br />nursing program. Commissioner John E.. Dotterer seconded the motion and upon a <br />vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The written request of James V. Rackley and wife for a refund in <br />the amount of $5. 91 on 1980 taxes for overpayment as a result of error in listing <br />acreage and the written request of J. W. Creed for a refund in the amount of $11. 06 <br />for taxes on an automobile that was double listed was presented to the Board. The <br />Board, at the same time, considered the monthly relief report, a copy of which is <br />attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Commissioner John E. <br />Dotterer moved that refunds in the amount of $11. 06 to J. W. Creed, Jr. and $5. 91 <br />to James V. Rackley and wife, be authorized in keeping with their written request <br />and that the monthly relief report for December 1981 be approved. Commissioner <br />Lila P. Nielsen seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. Donn Gunderson, Director of Social Services, appeared before <br />the Board and presented a request for educational leave for Kathy Bryant, Patty <br />Martin, Nancy McLendon and Brenda Potts. The matter was discussed and it was <br />concluded that such leaves would be in accordance with the policy adopted when the <br />County adopted its new personnel ordinance. Commissioner Dotterer moved that the <br />personnel ordinance be amended to provide that departments with less than ten <br />employees could not have more than one person on educational leave at any one time, <br />nor could a department with more than ten persons have more than 10% of their <br />