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Jl 9 <br />LEE COUNTY <br />no ID oco aoo010 n CA <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />LEE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ITEM ABSTRACT ITEM NO. V. C. <br />Information <br />Meeting Date: July 16, 2012 XX Action Item <br />Consent Agenda <br />SUBJECT Appointment of Interim Tax Administrator <br />DEPARTMENT Tax Administration <br />CONTACT PERSON John Crumpton, County Manager <br />REQUEST Appoint Johnnie Edmonson as Interim Tax Administrator and <br />consider when to advertise for a permanent Tax Administrator. <br />SUMMARY Effective August 3` Dwayne Brinson will resign his position as Lee <br />County Tax Administrator. The County needs to appoint an Interim Administrator until a <br />permanent one can be hired. Mr. Edmonson served as the Interim Administrator in 2006 -2007 <br />before Mr. Brinson was hired. He also helped the County with the 2007 revaluation. Mr. <br />Edmonson is currently a paid consultant to Lee County advising the Tax Appraisal Division on the <br />current revaluation. He works one day per week. Mr. Edmonson has offered to increase his <br />service to 3 to 5 days per week until a new administrator is hired. If the Board decides to <br />immediately advertise for a new administrator they need to consider the process to review, <br />interview and hire a person for this position. <br />BUDGET IMPACT $320 per day. Amount can be covered with lapse salary from <br />Administrator position. <br />ATTACHMENT(S) N/A <br />PUBLIC HEARING NO <br />PRIOR BOARD ACTION N/A <br />RECOMMENDATION: Appoint Johnnie Edmonson as Interim Tax Administrator and begin <br />advertising for a new permanent Tax Administrator. <br />