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SECTION 8 Conduct of Meetings <br />1. In accordance with the State's open meeting law, all official meetings of the Lee <br />County Fire Advisory Board will be open to the general public and any person is <br />entitled to attend. <br />2. As presiding officer, the Chair may take whatever actions necessary to provide <br />opportunity for discussion on issues, focus comments and discussion on issues <br />being considered, ensure orderly meetings, and ensure the efficient disposition of <br />issues before the Fire Advisory Board. <br />3. Any voting member of the Fire Advisory Board may make a motion, no second is <br />required. <br />4. A substitute motion is out of order while another substantive motion is pending. <br />5. A motion shall be adopted by a simple majority of the votes cast, unless <br />otherwise required by the laws of North Carolina. <br />6. After a motion is made, the Chair shall state the motion and then open the floor <br />for debate. The Chair shall preside over the debate according to the following <br />general principles: <br />• The maker of the motion is entitled to speak first. <br />• A member who has not spoken on the issue shall be recognized before <br />someone who has already spoken. <br />• To the extent possible, the debate shall alternate between proponents and <br />opponents of the motion. <br />7. A motion that is defeated may be renewed at any later meeting unless a motion <br />to prevent reconsideration has been adopted. <br />8. The introducer may withdraw a motion at any time before it is amended or before <br />the Chair puts the motion to a vote, whichever occurs first. <br />Section 9: Minutes <br />1. The minutes of the Fire Advisory Board's meetings represent the official record of <br />the Fire Advisory Board's discussions and actions. <br />2. Staff of the Lee County Fire Marshal's Office will prepare minutes for the Fire <br />Advisory Board meetings. The minutes will state which members were present <br />and which members were absent. <br />3. The minutes will briefly summarize the content of each item before the Fire <br />Advisory Board, state who made and seconded motions, and record the votes on <br />each item. <br />4. Fire Advisory Board meeting minutes will be on file in the Lee County Fire <br />Marshal's Office and may be inspected by any person at all reasonable times. <br />5 <br />