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Washington Avenue area to assist with affordable housing. Community Development <br /> Block Grant funds would be used for roads and infrastructure. Commissioner Carver <br /> recommended the addition of a Librarian I position to the budget which starts at $53,890. <br /> Commissioner Carver stated that the addition of this position would reduce the impact on <br /> staff and would improve the contribution the library is making on the children in the <br /> County. <br /> Commissioner Carver provided a summarized request related to the non-profit <br /> organizations in the County. Commissioner Carver stated that he felt Johnston Lee <br /> Harnett Community Action receives a lot of money from other sources and that $3,000 <br /> would not make a lot of difference to this organization but may be a big deal to another <br /> organization. Commissioner Carver stated that organizations that are coordinating well <br /> deserve the support. Outreach Mission provides staffing for the daytime shelter known as <br /> the Navigation Center and receives the majority of the 211 calls. The Salvation Army has <br /> a similar arrangement. Commissioner Carver stated that Hamer Carter, Executive <br /> Director of OM1, is very influential among all the organizations. <br /> Commissioner Knecht stated that he would support loaning $200,000 to Brick Capital <br /> for low income housing development. <br /> Commissioner Carver proposed funding in the amount of$10,000 for an incentive <br /> program for middle and high school teachers to identify best practices that contribute to <br /> improving Lee County Schools' NCDPI Report Card Grades. He stated that the <br /> Superintendent would make a report on how this works and identify recommendations <br /> awarded to teacher. Commissioner Carver provided that this opens a door for <br /> cooperation and communication between the Board and Lee County schools. The <br /> program has the endorsement of the superintendent. There would be a memorandum of <br /> understanding that would specify the reporting and responsibility of the superintendent to <br /> make it work. Commissioner Knecht stated that he would like to see this request come <br /> from the School Board. <br /> RevisedBudgetWorkshopltems20212022.docx <br /> BRICK CAPITAL-TRC-11-30-2020.pdf Annual <br /> Tax Value of Houses Sold.xlsx <br /> Motion: Motion to approve a 1% supplement increase for public school teachers <br /> and coaches and pull $247,000 from fund balance to fund the difference based on <br /> the recommended budget and to not impact the proposed 1.5 cent tax reduction. <br /> - Commissioner Sharpe withdrew the motion. <br /> Mover: Cameron Sharpe <br /> Motion: Motion to table. - Commissioner Reives withdrew the motion to table. <br /> Mover: Robert Reives <br /> 6 <br />