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Joint Services with the City <br /> County Manager John Crumpton referred to a summary of joint services with the City <br /> that was provided for in the agenda, a copy of which is attached and incorporated into <br /> these minutes. For Planning and Community Development which is a combined service <br /> that the City and County contract for, the County budgets 45% of the total while the City <br /> of Sanford budgets for 55% of the total. Dr. Crumpton's recommended allocation is lower <br /> than the requested amount for this service because the request includes a rewrite of the <br /> Unified Development Ordinance that the City has initiated. The City would like the <br /> County to change to Unified Development Ordinance consistent with the City's <br /> development standards. The City is also requesting a planner position. The Planner is <br /> included in the recommended budget. Inspections is anticipating needing a subsidy <br /> which is a 50/50 split when fees don't meet the total cost of the department. For the last <br /> 4 years the fees have exceeded the cost of the department so there is a fund balance <br /> sitting with the City which should cover the expense. The County splits fees with the City <br /> to rent the Buggy Factory and pays half of the facility costs for the Sanford Area Growth <br /> Alliance. S3 Connect funding is not recommended based on discussions with the Board. <br /> The 911 fund is money collected on the phone bills. The City has to submit a bill for <br /> eligible expenses before the County contributes. The only department billed to the City is <br /> for GIS. The County charges the City for tax collections and charges one of the lowest <br /> rates in the State to the City of Sanford and Town of Broadway. The manager provided a <br /> summary of joint interlocal agreements with the City. He stated that these are in place to <br /> provide economies of scale for these services. Dr. Crumpton stated that he is reviewing <br /> the contracts with the City including Community Development and Tax Collections to <br /> make sure the fees charged are fair and equitable. He requested a discussion at the <br /> next interlocal meeting related to these services. <br /> City Shared Budgets.xlsx <br /> FY 21-22 Budget Summary and Loan Request <br /> County Manager John Crumpton provided a summary of the Board of Commissioners' <br /> budget discussions for the FY 21-22 budget. The one change the Board has already is <br /> the Sheriff's Division salary increases. The summary identifies a list of items that the <br /> Manager has requested the Board to act on to provide direction in finalizing the budget <br /> for adoption. Commissioner Sharpe stated that he supports the teachers in the County <br /> and added that the State is 33rd with the supplement as compared to other states. A 1% <br /> increase was included for 3 consecutive years which was completed 2 budgets ago in <br /> 2018. This increase brought the supplement to 10%. Lee County is ranked 15 out of 115 <br /> school districts related to teacher supplement. Commissioner Sharpe stated that the <br /> local supplement is what retains and attracts teachers and the geographic position to <br /> Wake County puts Lee County behind. A 1% supplement increase amounts to $705,000. <br /> Based on what is included in the budget they are $247,000 short to being able to fund <br /> the 1% teacher supplement and the coaches supplement. Commissioner Carver stated <br /> that he has a $14,000 request related to non-profits. <br /> Related to the Revolving Loan Fund, $400,000 was previously loaned to the airport from <br /> the Fund so the available balance of the fund is $595,000. The Board is voting at the <br /> next meeting to issue SAGA a $100,000 loan for predevelopment expenses which would <br /> leave the Board with a $495,000 balance. Brick Capital is interested in utilizing the funds <br /> for affordable housing. The City intends to use ARPA funds to extend water and sewer in <br /> the <br />