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CHAPTER 10-EMERGENCY SERVICES <br /> ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL <br /> Secs. 10-1-10.30-Reserved <br /> ARTICLE II. 911 TELEPHONE SERVICE <br /> Sec. 10-31 Monthly Charge <br /> There is hereby imposed a monthly 911 charge upon each exchange access facility subscribed to <br /> by telephone subscribers whose exchange access lines are in the county. The schedule of such <br /> charges is set by the North Carolina 911 Board. <br /> Secs. 10-32-10-60.-Reserved <br /> ARTICLE III. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES <br /> Footnotes: <br /> ---(2)--- <br /> State Law reference-Emergency medical services, G.S. 143-507 et seq; authority of county to <br /> franchise ambulance services, G.S. 153A-250; making false ambulance request, G.S. 14-286.1; <br /> regulation of ambulance services, G.S. 131E-155 et seq. <br /> DIVISION 1.-GENERALLY <br /> Sec. 10-61.- Definitions <br /> The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this Article, shall have the meanings <br /> ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: <br /> Ambulance means any publicly or privately owned vehicle that is specifically designed, <br /> constructed or modified and equipped, and is intended to be used for, and is maintained or <br /> operated for,the transportation upon the streets and highways in this state, of persons who are <br /> sick, injured, wounded or otherwise incapacitated or helpless. <br /> Ambulance services means any publicly or privately owned enterprise engaged in the <br /> transportation of patients of emergency and nonemergency status to medical facilities. <br /> Ambulance Advisory Committee means the committee the board of commissioners has <br /> authorized the Manager to appoint which should consist of the Lee County Office of Emergency <br /> Services Director, two members of the healthcare field and two members with EMS knowledge. <br /> Backup Ambulance service means the system of personnel and equipment meeting the same <br /> criteria as ambulance service, but not normally dispatched at first call response. <br /> Committee means the County's Ambulance Advisory Committee. <br />