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Minutes - May 14, 2012 Budget Work Session
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Minutes - May 14, 2012 Budget Work Session
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6/6/2012 3:47:05 PM
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BK:00024 PG:0925 <br />electronic records needs. Ms. Moss stated LCI has applied to the Golden LEAF Foundation for a <br />$125,000 project that would create five new jobs at the document conversion service in the first year <br />and 12 new positions over the next three years. Ms. Moss stated that In order for the project to be <br />approved, county support is needed. Ms. Moss stated "without the assurance that Lee County needs <br />the service, Golden LEAF is unable to make the investment ". After discussion, the Board expressed <br />support for the LCI project and asked that Ms. Moss, Mr. Jones and Mr. Crumpton discuss ways to <br />launch the project and incorporate the health department's electronic medical records request back into <br />the budget. Ms. Moss will appear before Commissioner's at their May 21" meeting to provide an <br />update on the project. <br />Parks and Recreation Director John Payne discussed his request to make a part-time <br />gymnastics instructor position into a full -time position. An increase in gymnastics fees has been <br />recommended that will generate an increase in revenue of $31,000 to cover the part-time position to <br />full -time. <br />General Services Director Russell Spivey stated his department budget went down this year. <br />Solid Waste Superintendent Joe Cherry stated a $5.00 per household increase would go into effect in <br />the upcoming fiscal year; the first increase since 2007. The increase will cover operating expenses <br />without having to use Fund Balance. <br />Mr. Crumpton stated he had been advised the City of Sanford may not renew their agreement <br />with Waste Management and transfer station and do their waste collections on their own (without the <br />County). Mr. Crumpton stated he will begin discussion soon with all waste collection groups to see <br />what can be worked out if the City pulls out. <br />With no other business to come before the Board, Commissioner Parks moved to adjourn the <br />budget work session. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Hayes, Oldham, Parks, Paschal, Reives, Shook, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously and the meeting adjourned at <br />4:45 p.m. A <br />- 1- W U- - <br />L'' d A. Shook, Chairman <br />ATTEST: Le County Board of Commissioners <br />NORTH CAROLINA, LEE COUNTY <br />of en r registration on this �_ day <br />of 20, _j ,a at _i_:.;�p .-� /PM <br />recr ded in Book of PageQ_3 <br />Mollie A. McInnis, Register of Deeds <br />3 <br />
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