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G1 <br />May 22, 2012 <br />To Whom It May Concern: <br />I would like to request permission to have and execute a fireworks display at Sanford Health and Rehab, <br />2702 Farrell Road Sanford, NC 27330. The exhibition would be Wednesday July 4` 2012, beginning at <br />approximately 9pm and lasting roughly 20 minutes. I have enclosed a copy of the layout that I will be <br />setting up as well as the insurance policy showing me as the insured party. M &M Fireworks is the <br />company I am licensed under and I have also enclosed a copy of that for your records as well. <br />Should you need further information or need to contact me please do so at the number stated below. <br />Sincerely, <br />Joel Ammons <br />919.770.2156 <br />MAY 232� <br />