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G08 <br />Ms. Meg Moss, Director of Lee County Industries (LCI) provided the required paperwork to <br />appear before the Board to discuss a new business venture and creation of new jobs at Lee County <br />Industries. LCI is working with the Golden Leaf Foundation for an $86,000 grant to implement the new <br />program Approximately $240,000 will be needed over a two -year period from the Health Department <br />to enter into an agreement with LCI to begin the <br />Reives moved that the County Manager contact <br />repaid from the Frontier Spinning project for this <br />r scanning project. After discussion, Commissioner <br />Golden Leaf and see if Lee County can use funds <br />iew small business start-up program. Upon a vote, <br />County <br />Spivey <br />ear old <br />25 year <br />Hargett <br />;ct was <br />ussion, <br />1,000 — <br />boiler <br />is were <br />nted a <br />13. At <br />service <br />districts so approximately 1,000 additional structures throughout the County will be eligible for better fire <br />ratings. Information was provided to the Board showing what each volunteer fire department requested <br />in the upcoming budget and what the Fire Advisory Board recommended. Commissioner Reives <br />moved to schedule a public hearing on the Fire Department FY 2012 -13 budgets for the June 4 th <br />Commissioner's meeting. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />