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THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT ARE AS FOLLOWS: <br /> 1. The term of this MOA shall be for a period of seventeen (17) months, beginning on <br /> February 1, 2021 and terminating on June 30, 2022. <br /> 2. The employee under this contract will be the employee of the District Attorney for all <br /> purposes, and shall be hired by and work under the supervision and direction of the <br /> District Attorney for Prosecutorial District 12. <br /> 3. The City and the County will be responsible for paying the personnel and operating <br /> costs as budgeted and other related costs that may arise. Any changes in salary shall <br /> be communicated in writing to the City, the County, the District Attorney, and the <br /> NCAOC. The parties agree to act in good faith to facilitate such budget amendments <br /> as may be necessary from time to time. The District Attorney shall provide space and <br /> furnishings for their staff positions under this agreement commensurate with other <br /> staff offices, using space already provided by the County. The NCAOC shall provide <br /> administrative services (including Human Resources processing and payroll services) <br /> pursuant to this MOA, but shall not contribute funds or be responsible for paying any <br /> operating expenses of the project, nor shall the NCAOC, the City, or the County be <br /> responsible for the hiring or supervision of the positions. <br /> 4. The City and the County shall provide funds to the NCAOC Deputy Director for <br /> Financial Services as outlined in Appendix A. Expenses for unemployment, workers <br /> compensation and disability claims, as outlined in paragraph 7 below, are unforeseen <br /> expenses which are not included in Appendix A and may increase the financial <br /> obligation of the City and the County above and beyond the base amount indicated in <br /> Appendix A should a claim be filed. <br /> 5. The City and the County agree to provide to the NCAOC all operating costs <br /> associated with the position in this contract in accordance with annual NCAOC <br /> position cost statements supplied by the NCAOC Financial Services Division, as <br /> outlined in Appendix A. Typical operating costs in NCAOC position cost statements <br /> represent expenditures such as transportation, meals and lodging,postage, registration <br /> fees, maintenance agreements, office equipment, general office supplies, telephone <br /> service and equipment, personal computer and printer, software, and wiring and <br /> installation. Using funds provided by the City and the County, the NCAOC will <br /> purchase and maintain all equipment outlined in Appendix A. The City and the <br /> County will submit payment upon the receipt of a detailed invoice. <br /> 6. The City and the County agree that they will increase the payments under this MOA <br /> by the amount necessary to provide for each of the following increases in the <br /> compensation or benefits of any person whose position is funded under this MOA, <br /> with each increase to become effective on the effective date of the relevant increase in <br /> compensation or benefits as set forth by the North Carolina General Assembly. <br /> Should the amounts needed for any increase exceed ten percent (10%) of the total <br /> Lec County DA Legal Assistant <br /> Page 2 of 5 <br />