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Minutes - Jan. 9, 2012 Regular Meeting
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Minutes - Jan. 9, 2012 Regular Meeting
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.(� 4 637 <br />Adjusted Grant = Original Grant Amount x Investment Actually Made <br />Required Investment <br />C. The amount the Company has spent on Statutorily Qualifying Expenses <br />4.2 To the extent the amount of the Adjusted Grant is less than the amount that has been previously <br />disbursed to the Company, the Company shall reimburse DOC for the difference between the <br />Adjusted Grant and the amount previously disbursed. <br />5.0 OBLIGATIONS BEYOND CLOSEOUT <br />5.1 If Closeout occurs on or before the date that is exactly one year prior to the Grant End Date, the <br />Company will maintain at least ninety percent (90 %) of the number of New Jobs in place at <br />Closeout for two (2) years after the date of Closeout. <br />5.2 If Closeout occurs after the date that is exactly one year prior to the Grant End Date, the Company <br />will maintain at least ninety percent (90 %) of the number of New Jobs in place at Closeout until <br />the date that is the one year anniversary following the Grant End Date. <br />5.3 If the Company fails to maintain at least ninety percent (90 %) of the number of New Jobs in place <br />at Closeout for the required time period following Closeout, as specified in Paragraphs 5.1 and <br />5.2, the Company will be in default of this CPA and shall reimburse to DOC the total amount of <br />the Grant funds previously disbursed in accordance with this CPA. <br />6.0 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS <br />6.1 The Company and Guarantor shall provide to DOC and the Local Government all documentation <br />deemed necessary by DOC or the Local Government to verify Retained Jobs, and creation and <br />retention of New Jobs, salary levels, health insurance, investments, Statutorily Qualifying <br />Expenses, environmental permits and other Performance Criteria specified in this CPA, including <br />copies of N.C. Employment Security Commission ("ESC") worksite forms ( "NCUI 101 ") <br />described in the Program Guidelines, a list of all positions used in accounting for the Grant and the <br />names of the individuals filling those positions. The threshold numbers of New Jobs created for <br />the Company to be eligible for disbursements under paragraph 2. 1, shall be measured by adding <br />the three figures that represent the average number of New Jobs (calculated after deducting the <br />Retained Jobs) that have been created during the Grant Period and have been retained during each <br />of the three months of the quarter reported in the Company's NCUI 101, and dividing that sum by <br />three, or in such other manner determined by the DOC to reasonably reflect New Job creation. <br />The Company shall not include in such count, any temporary, seasonal, contract, or part - <br />time employees, employees that were hired prior to the Effective Date, or employees that <br />were hired from affiliates of the Company or Guarantor in North Carolina, even if those <br />employees are included in the NCUI 101s. The Company and Guarantor will certify how <br />many of the employees listed on the NCUI 101s in each month qualify under the definition of <br />Retained Jobs and New Jobs. The Company's compliance with the job creation and/or <br />retention, investment, Statutorily Qualifying Expense, environmental permit and other <br />Performance Criteria set out in this CPA shall be attested to under oath by an officer of each <br />of the Company and the Guarantor. <br />One NC Company Performance Agreement <br />Zurn Industries, LLC <br />Lee County <br />6— <br />
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