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Minutes - Jan. 9, 2012 Regular Meeting
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Minutes - Jan. 9, 2012 Regular Meeting
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4/19/2012 3:21:31 PM
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4/19/2012 3:19:56 PM
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ant: 74 :...: 6 -J4 <br />COMPANY PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT <br />THE ONE NORTH CAROLINA FUND <br />STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />COUNTY OF WAKE <br />This Company Performance Agreement (the "CPA "), effective the 14th day of October, 2011 (the <br />"Effective Date "), by, between, and among Zurn Industries, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company <br />authorized to do business in North Carolina (the "Company "), and Rexnord LLC, a Delaware limited <br />liability company (the "Guarantor "), who, together with the Company shall be jointly and severally liable <br />for the obligations under this CPA, and Lee County, North Carolina (the "Local Government," and <br />together with the Company and Guarantor, the "Parties"): _ <br />WITNESSETH: <br />WHEREAS, the Local Government has applied for a One North Carolina Fund grant from the North <br />Carolina Department of Commerce (the "DOC "); and <br />WHEREAS, a One North Carolina Fund grant award in the amount of Thirty Eight Thousand Dollars <br />($38,000) (the "Grant ") has been negotiated and agreed to by DOC and the Parties; and <br />WHEREAS, the Grant has been approved by DOC for disbursement to the Local Government <br />pursuant to the terms of the One North Carolina Fund Local Government Grant Agreement between the <br />Local Government and DOC (the "LGGA "); and <br />WHEREAS, the Grant is to be used by the Company toward the goal of creating thirty eight (38) new <br />jobs (the "Target New Jobs ") which shall be permanent full -time jobs (each, a "New Job ") and Forty <br />Thousand Dollars ($40,000) (the "Target Investment ") in new investment in the State of North Carolina; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Company and Guarantor have represented that the Grant is necessary to enable the <br />investment and job creation by the Company to occur and go forward in North Carolina; and <br />WHEREAS, the Grant will enable retention of 95 permanent full -time jobs and 2 temporary full time <br />jobs (the "Retained Jobs "), which is the total number of positions the Company maintained in North <br />Carolina prior to the Effective Date; and <br />WHEREAS, the Grant will stimulate economic activity and create new jobs for the citizens of this <br />State; and <br />One NC Company Performance Agreement <br />Zurn Industries, LLC <br />Lee County <br />
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