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Minutes - Jan. 9, 2012 Regular Meeting
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Minutes - Jan. 9, 2012 Regular Meeting
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(b) The GRANTEE shall retain all financial records, supporting documents, and <br />all other pertinent records related to the Project for a period of five years from the date of <br />termination of this Agreement. In the event such records are audited, all project records shall be <br />retained beyond the three -year period until any and all audit findings have been resolved. <br />(c) The GRANTEE agrees to make available to the CENTER, or its designated <br />representative, a1h of its records which relate to the Project, and agrees to allow the CENTER or <br />said representative to audit, examine and copy any and all data, documents, proceedinggs, records <br />and notes of activity relating in any way to the Project. Access to these records shall be allowed <br />upon request at any time during normal business hours and as often as the CENTER or said <br />representative may deem necessary. <br />10 Publications <br />(a) At the request of the CENTER, an y reports, data, or other information given <br />to, prepared or assembled by the GRANTEE under the Agreement must contain the following <br />acknowledgment and disclaimer statement: "This material is based upon work supported in <br />whole or part by the Rural Economic Development Center." All materials must also contain the <br />following statement: "Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this <br />publication are those of the authors) and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the <br />Rural Economic Development Center." <br />(b) Except as provided in pararaph 10a) above, the GRANTEE may publish or <br />arrange for the publication of scientific and technical information resulting from work carried out <br />under this Agreement. <br />(c Upon publication of materials resulting from the work of the project, the <br />GRANTEE shall mesh a minimum of two copies of reprints to the CENTER. <br />11 Termination; Availability of Funds <br />(a) If the GRANTEE shall fail to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its <br />obligations under this Agreement, or shall violate any of the covenants or stipulations of this <br />Agreement, the CENTER shall thereupon have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving <br />written notice to the GRANTEE of such termination and by speciffyying the effective date of <br />termination. In such event, the CENTER shall have no responsbihty to make additional <br />payments under this contract after the date of termination. No further expenditures shall be made <br />under this Agreement except for such work as shall have already been performed prior to the date <br />of termination and the GRANTEE shall repay all unspent grant funds upon the demand of the <br />CENTER.. <br />(b) It is understood that the CENTER'S obligation to pay any amounts under this <br />Agreement is contingent upon the availability and continuation of funds for such purpose. In the <br />event that funds for this Project become unavailable, the CENTER may terminate this <br />Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice to the GRANTEE. All obligations of the <br />CENTER to make payments under this Agreement shall cease as of the Termination Date. <br />12. Liabilities and Loss The CENTER assumes no liability with respect to <br />accidents, bodily injury, illness, breach of contract or any other damages or loss, or with respect <br />to aneth claims arising out of any activities undertaken by the GRANTEE under this Agreement, <br />wher with respect to persons or property of the GRANTEE, or third parties. The GRANTEE <br />agrees to obtain insurance or otherwise protect itself or others as it may deem desirable. Further, <br />the GRANTEE, to the extent allow by law, agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless the <br />CENTER and its officers, agents and emplo ees against any liability, including costs and <br />expenses and attorneys' fees, for the GRANTEE'S violation of any proprietary right or right of <br />privacy arising out of the publication, translation, reproduction, delivery, performance use or <br />disposition of any information published resulting from the work of the Pro ect or based on any <br />l ibelous or other unlawful matter contained in such information. The GRANTEE, to the extent <br />allowed by law, also further agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless the CENTER and its <br />officers, agents and employees from any and all claims and losses accruing or resulting to any <br />
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