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24 A99 <br />LEE COUNTY <br />goad ao oaaa <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING <br />OF THE <br />LEE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />106 HILLCREST DRIVE <br />SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA 27330 <br />FEBRUARY 8, 2012 <br />The adjourned regular meeting of the Lee County Board of Commissioners for the <br />County of Lee, State of North Carolina, convened at 9 a.m. in the Commissioners' Room, Lee <br />County Government Center, 106 Hillcrest Drive, Sanford, North Carolina, on said date. <br />Commissioners present were Richard B. Hayes, Larry "Doc" Oldham, Charles T. Parks, <br />Nathan E. Paschal, Robert T. Reives, Linda A. Shook, and James K. Womack. <br />Chairman Shook called the meeting to order and the following business was transacted: <br />Commissioner Womack delivered the invocation. <br />The pledge of allegiance was recited. <br />The Board considered an economic development incentive agreement and resolution <br />between the Lee County Economic Development Corporation and Cloverleaf Cold Storage. A <br />public hearing was held on said matter during the February 6, 2012 regular meeting of the <br />Board. Economic Development Director Bob Heuts briefly outlined the agreement and <br />answered questions from the Board. Commissioner Hayes moved to approve the agreement <br />and resolution as presented. Commissioner Womack questioned a difference in the number of <br />jobs as stated in the agreement and resolution. The agreement stated "58 new jobs would be <br />created" and the resolution stated "up to 58 new jobs would be created ". County Attorney Dale <br />Talbert stated the resolution would be changed to reflect the correct wording as stated in the <br />agreement. Commissioner Hayes amended his motion to approve the agreement and <br />resolution with amendments to the number of new jobs clarified in both documents, copies of <br />which are attached to these minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. Upon a vote, <br />the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Hayes, Oldham, Paschal, and Reives <br />Nay: Parks, Shook, and Womack <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted by a 4 to 3 vote. <br />