attendance. Additionally, the COUNTY shall provide reasonable accommodations whenever the Citizen Participation
<br /> Coordinator is notified in advance that one or more persons with mobility or developmental disabilities will be in
<br /> attendance.
<br /> Citizens will be provided full access to CDBG program information during all phases of a CDBG project. Local
<br /> officials of the COUNTY shall make reasonable effort to assure that CDBG program information is available to all
<br /> citizens, especially those of low and moderate incomes and those residing in blighted or Limited English Proficiency
<br /> neighborhoods and/or CDBG project areas.
<br /> To facilitate citizen access to CDBG program information, the Citizen Participation Coordinator will keep all
<br /> documents related to a CDBG program on file in the COUNTY MANAGER'S OFFICE, 408 SUMMIT DRIVE,
<br /> SANFORD, NC 27330. Information from the project files shall be made available for examination and duplication, on
<br /> request, during regular business hours. CDBG program information and materials, concerning specific CDBG
<br /> projects will be available and distributed to the public at the regularly scheduled public hearings as outlined in this
<br /> Plan. Furthermore, information concerning any CDBG project will be available at regularly scheduled council
<br /> meetings where the program is discussed.
<br /> Materials to be made available shall include, but are not necessarily limited to: the Citizen Participation Plan;
<br /> records of public hearing; mailings and promotional materials; prior CDBG program applications; letters of approval;
<br /> grant agreements; the environmental review record; financial and procurement records; project design and
<br /> construction specifications; labor standards materials; performance and evaluation reports; other reports required by
<br /> the state funding agency and/or HUD; proposed and approved CDBG program application(s)for the current year or
<br /> project; written comments or complaints received concerning the community development program, and written
<br /> responses from the COUNTY; and, copies of the applicable Federal and State rules, regulations, policies,
<br /> requirements and procedures governing the CDBG program.
<br /> In no case shall the COUNTY disclose any information concerning the financial status of any program
<br /> participant(s)which may be required to document program eligibility or benefit. Furthermore, the COUNTY shall not
<br /> disclose any information which may, in the opinion of the Chief Elected Official be deemed of a confidential nature.
<br /> The public hearings scheduled, as described in this Citizen Participation Plan,are designed to facilitate public
<br /> participation in all phases of the community development process. Citizens are encouraged to submit their views and
<br /> proposals on all aspects of a community development program at the public hearings. However, to ensure that
<br /> citizens are given the opportunity to assess and comment on all aspects of the community development program on
<br /> a continuous basis, citizens may, at any time, submit written comments or complaints to the COUNTY.
<br /> Any citizen or citizen's group desiring to comment or object to any phase of the planning, development or
<br /> approval of the application for CDBG funds, or to the implementation of any CDBG program, should submit such
<br /> comments or objections in writing to the Chief Elected Official or designated official.Should,after a reasonable period,
<br /> a party believe that his/her comment or complaint has not been properly addressed or considered by the Chief Elected
<br /> Official or designated official, then the aggrieved may appeal his/her case to the COUNTY.
<br /> Local officials shall make every effort to provide written responses to citizen proposals or complaints within
<br /> ten (10) working days of the receipt of such comments or complaints where practicable. Should the COUNTY be
<br /> unable to sufficiently resolve an objection or complaint, it may be forwarded by the aggrieved party to the state funding
<br /> agency.
<br /> Citizens may, at any time, contact the state funding agency and/or HUD directly to register comments,
<br /> objections or complaints concerning the COUNTY'S CDBG application(s) and/or program(s). Citizens are
<br /> encouraged, however, to attempt to resolve any complaints at the local level as outlined above prior to contacting the
<br /> state funding agency or HUD. All comments or complaints submitted to the state funding agency or HUD shall be
<br /> addressed in writing to:
<br /> NC Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Infrastructure CDBG-I Section, 1633 Mail
<br /> Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1633, Phone: (919) 707-9189, TDD: (800) 735-2962 or 711.
<br /> NC Department of Commerce, Rural Economic Development Division, CDBG Section, 4346 Mail Service
<br /> Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-4346, Phone: (919) 707-9189, TDD: (800) 735-2962 or 711.
<br /> NC Department of Public Safety, Office of Recovery and Resiliency, PO Box 110465, Durham, NC 27709,
<br /> Phone: (984)833-5350, TDD: (800) 735-2962 or 711.
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