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ransomware and the effects it had on the company. Director Seagroves continued, describing the <br /> challenges associated with new regulations,political trends, customer service, and developing <br /> infrastructure to meet growing needs. <br /> The Floor was opened for old business and Shannon Cagle from the Lee County Health Department <br /> provided the SNS update (Appendix A). No other old business was presented. <br /> Upon the arrival of Chairperson Holt,new business was opened and the election of officers for the next <br /> year was detailed. Chairperson Holt called for nominees for Chair and received none. Jonathan Kelly <br /> made a notion that all current positions (Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary) remain the same, which was <br /> seconded by Indira Everett, and received a unanimous vote. For the year 2020 Jerry Holt will remain <br /> Chair.Wallie Tyler will remain Vice-Chair, and Matthew Britt will remain Secretary. <br /> Correct minutes for the September 18th, 2019 meeting were provided by Secretary Britt and time allowed <br /> for the membership to review. Chairperson Holt called for a vote to accept the minutes as written, a <br /> motion was made by Wallie Tyler, and seconded by Ann McMillian. All voting members voted in favor <br /> of accepting the minutes as written. <br /> Chairperson Holt thanked the membership for their participation over the last year and looked forward to <br /> the next year of LEPC meetings. He then set the next meeting for March 1 8 'h, 2020 at the Lee County <br /> Emergency Operations Center,to begin at 1130 hours. Lastly, Chairperson Holt recognized Ben Wooten <br /> from NC Emergency Management. Coordinator Wooten took the opportunity to thank Lee County for all <br /> their work and help in the last year. He also detailed the use of NC TERMS and encouraged all present to <br /> participate in training. <br /> At this, Chairperson Holt called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was made by Chief <br /> Barber, seconded by Deborah Bigelow, and received a supporting vote from all members. Chairperson <br /> Holt ended the meeting and thanked everyone for attending, meeting adjourned. <br /> Attest: <br /> Matthew G. Britt <br /> Matthew Britt, Secretary J l t Ch@}fFeff61P <br />