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NORTH CAROLINA BK:00024 PG:0814 <br />2011/2012 <br />GRANT AGREEMENT <br />LSTA NC CARDINAL GRANT <br />This is an agreement by and between the Lee County Library, hereinafter referred to as "the Library," and <br />the State Library of North Carolina, Department of Cultural Resources, hereinafter referred to as the <br />"State Library." <br />The State Library has agreed to fund this grant with federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) <br />funds in the amount of $41,220 to be disbursed through North Carolina Accounting System accounting <br />fund 46011495410145. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number for this grant is <br />45.310. This agreement is in effect upon signing by all parties, but no earlier than March 1, 2012, and <br />will terminate on September 30, 2012, unless amended by mutual consent. <br />Institution and/or Library Name: Lee County Library <br />Mailing Address: 107 Hawkins Avenue <br />City, State, ZIP: Sanford, NC 27330 -4399 <br />Contact person name/title: Michael Matochik, Director <br />Contact person telephone: 919- 718 -4665 <br />Contact person email: <br />Federal Employer Identification Number: <br />Library fiscal year ending date: June 30 <br />56- 6000313 -01 <br />IN CONSIDERATION OF RECEIVING THE ABOVE REFERENCED GRANT FUNDING, <br />THE LIBRARY HEREBY AGREES TO: <br />1. Accept and administer an LSTA grant from the State Library in the amount of $41,220 for <br />costs associated with the project represented in Attachment A and any amendments thereto. <br />2. Abide by all Grant Provisions as certified in the grant application, including any certifications <br />submitted with this grant agreement (Certification Regarding Debarment and Suspension; Lobbying; <br />Federal Debt Status; Nondiscrimination). <br />3. Regularly inform the State Library on the progress of the project. <br />4. Encumber and expend project (grant and matching) funds <br />• only upon or after the effective date of this grant agreement and before its termination. <br />• in accordance with the project budget as submitted with the project application, or as modified in <br />the grant award letter, or as amended and approved by the State Library; and <br />• in accordance with all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations. <br />5. Expend project funds in a manner that ensures free and open competition. <br />LSTA NC Cardinal Grant Agreement 2011/2012 - Lee County Library page 1 of 5 <br />