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60 <br />• Resolution and offer of $40,000 from the Sanford Housing Authority for property <br />located at 226 Linden Avenue (copies attached), <br />• NC Cardinal Grant with the Lee County Library (copy attached), <br />• Budget Amendment # 03/19/12/11 (copy attached) <br />Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Hayes, Oldham, Parks, Reives, Shook, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />Absent: Paschal <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. AfP <br />Il k <br />Pursuant to N.C. General Statute 153A -42.1, Chairman Shook open%Alodr for Public <br />Comments. The following signed up to speak and were allowed 3 for comments <br />1. Kirk Smith, 3108 Avents Ferry Road, Sanford (prayer issue) <br />2. Keith Clark, 212 Acorn Drive, Sanford ( prayer issue)\ <br />krd ,. <br />3. Bobby Adams, 415 Farmington Lane, Sanfo�d; (EMS services) <br />4. Frank Del Palazzo, 425 Rolling Hill Road, Sanf I (tax distribution) <br />The Board conducted the second and final required public hearing for the 2011 Scattered Site <br />Housing CDBG Grant application. Planner Karen " Kennedy stated two public hearings were required for <br />submission of a CDBG grant application. Th ° e(frs` public hearing was held during the January 9, 2012 <br />regular meeting of the Board. Ms. Kennedy in�roduced�Mr. Warren Wooten from The Wooten <br />Company who assisted with writing the application AAlooten stated the purpose of the second <br />hearing is to discuss the activities to be addressed in the grant application which include the following: <br />• Applications have been received, reviewed, rated and ranked, <br />• Hous n`g inspections completed with property owners and meetings held with the <br />three units to be rehabilitated and two units for <br />• Ten alt&rhbte units were selected by the Selection Committee <br />The total grantramount for the application is $400,000 with activities including: <br />%Housing Rehabilitation — 3 units ($165,000.00) <br />:y <br />`.Housing Reconstruction — 2 units ($160,000.00) <br />•'Temporary Relocation — 4 units ($26,000.00) <br />Demolition — 2 units ($9,000.00) <br />• Administrative Fees ($40,000.00) <br />Chairman Shook opened the public hearing that had been advertised for this date and time. <br />The following spoke in favor of the grant application: <br />1. Jerry Lemmond, 1403 Spring Lane, Sanford (serves on Johnston- Lee - Harnett <br />Community Action Board of Directors) <br />2. Keith Clark, 212 Acorn Drive, Sanford (will increase tax value on renovated projects) <br />2 <br />